As we begin the days of Bein Hametzorim, delve into the daily Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash with a concise daily shiur by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz that makes the study of Masechas Tomid easier than ever.
As per the directives of the Rebbe to learn the laws pertaining to the Beis Hamikdash Irgun Torah is offering a daily Swift Shiur in Maseches Tomid.
As we begin the days of Bein Hametzorim, the days in which the Beis Hamikdash was recalled l’maalah due to our mistakes, the Rebbe reminded us: rebuilding the 3rd Beis Hamikdash is in our hands.
As Hashem told the Novi Yechezkel: “Shall the building of my home be on pause?!” let them learn about the BeisHamikdash, and it will be rebuilt!
Starting on the 17th of Tammuz, Irgun Torah will be sending out a short and concise daily shiur by renowned maggid shiur Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz.
Come and learn an Amud per day of this unique maseches which teaches about the daily avoda and procedures in the Beis Hamikdash. Do your part in rebuilding it now.
Click here to join the daily amud of Mesechas Tamid during the 3 weeks.
Join Rabbi Mendel Yuzewitz’s other popular shiurim on Chumash, Rambam 3 perokim, Rambam 1 perek, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, and Shaar Habitachon.
For more shiurim visit
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