The 8th grade – “mechina l’mesivta” classes of Oholei Torah began the new year in the yeshiva’s Troy Avenue location, the former site of the Oholei Torah Mesivta.
F.R.E.E. Distributing Food for Rosh Hashanah
Chabad F.R.E.E. NYC will iyH be distributing great quality and huge quantity of fresh produce and household food staples today, Tuesday, beginning at 7:00 PM.
Oholei Torah First Day Mega-Gallery: Can You Find Your Son?
Photographer Dovber Hechtman presents a mega-gallery of the first day of school at Oholei Torah in Crown Heights. Can you find your son in the photos?
New Year at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Begins With Blast of the Shofar
Students at Lubavitcher Yeshiva were greeted on the first day of the new year with treats and smiles. The day began with an assembly, where the students were addressed by principals and heard the shofar being blown.
Back to School With Smiles at Lubavitcher Yeshiva
The first day of the new school year at Lubavitch Yeshiva had the students excited to meet their classmates and teachers and to resume their studies after the summer vacation.
Our Communities
New Shluchim to Tierrasanta, California
Rabbi Shmuly and Mushka Begun (née Shusterman), along with their daughter Devorah Leah, will be moving out in the coming weeks to establish a new Chabad House in Tierrasanta, San Diego.
Tzfas Summer Program Concludes Another Successful Summer
135 bochurim just concluded the summer of a lifetime at Yeshivas Kayiz Tzeirei Hashluchim in Tzfas, filled with learning, chassidishkeit, professional sports leagues, and amazing trips.
Smiling Faces at First Day of Oholei Torah 5784
Gallery 2: Students arrived for the first day of the new school year at Oholei Torah in Crown Heights, excited to begin the new school year and meet their new teachers.
Students and Teachers Excited for New Year at Oholei Torah
Gallery 1: Smiling students arrived for their first day of Yeshiva at Oholei Torah excited for the 5784 school year. After a short orientation, the students headed to their classrooms to begin learning.
Picture of the Day
Shliach Rabbi Moshe Liberow of Colorado blew Shofar and wrapped Tefillin on a young cadet at the United States Air Force Academy in El Paso County, Colorado.
Kosel’s Integrity Scrutinized Ahead of Rosh Hashana
The stones of the Kosel Hama’aravi underwent an extensive examination to ensure their structural integrity ahead of the month of Tishrei when hundreds of thousands gather at the Kosel Plaza.
L’Chaim: Nash – Rochester
The L’Chaim of Shlomie Nash and Leah Rochester, both of Crown Heights, took place Monday night at Lubavitch Yeshiva.
Your Yom Tov Wardrobe is Not Complete Until You Visit Shopaganza
The Shopaganza Event brings you designer clothing from top brands at unheard-of, closeout prices. For two days only, the RaZag hall will be brimming with racks full of beautiful pieces – up to 85% off their original prices!
Budding Artist Sings Tune of the Alter Rebbe
Singer Shneor Orel just released a heartfelt version of the niggun Kol Dodi composed by the Alter Rebbe, in honor of Chai Elul.
Wedding: Friedman – Krimmer
The wedding of Eliyahu Friedman of Florida/Crown Heights and Nechama Krimmer of Albany, NY took place on Sunday night in Oholei Torah.
Zambia and Botswana Have Tanya Printed For The First Time
When Rabbi Yaakov Rubin and his son Zalman went to South Africa to attend a wedding, they made sure the wedding was only one part of a very dramatic adventure in Africa.
New Torah Dedicated in Memory of Beloved Toronto Mother
The Klasner family of Toronto dedicated a new Torah in memory of their mother Mrs. Karmela Klasner, who was an inspiration to many in Toronto.
But Didn’t the Rebbe Say to Use Technology To Serve Hashem?
Everyone wants to do what the Rebbe said. But what DID the Rebbe say, exactly, about technology? Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier gives us the bottom line, with sources and pictures, in the Tishrei issue of the N’shei Chabad Newsletter.
The Lubavitcher Yeshivos of 5784
Who are the roshei yeshivos, mashpi’im and maggidei shiurim that are educating the next generation of Lubavitcher bochurim? Are the number of bochurim in each yeshiva growing or decreasing? presents a comprehensive list of Yeshivos in North America and their stats.
Learning Begins at Oholei Torah Mesivta
The Mesivta division of Oholei Torah, now located in Remsen Village, welcomed the bochurim back to Yeshiva for another productive year of limmud Hatorah.
Kids Get Respite from War Horrors at Kharkiv Gan Yisroel
For youngsters living in near the front line of the war, life has not been easy. But thanks to Kharkiv shliach Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz, kids experienced 2 weeks packed full of trips and sports, swimming and learning, arts and crafts and lots of fun.
L’Chaim: Kotlarsky – Saidof
The L’Chaim of Mendy Kotlarsky of Boca Raton, FL and Sara Batya Saidof of Miami, FL took place Sunday night at the Arches.
A School That Became A Community
As this action-packed Shnas Hakhel comes to a close, Cheder Chabad Florida has emerged as a vibrant and welcoming family-focused center!
Online Smicha Starting New Year with Bochurim Track
As the Yeshiva year starts, Bochurim from all over the world are joining the Smicha program offered by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of for over a decade. Join now to enjoy a high level of structured learning, accompanied by resources, Shiurim, and tests.