Oholei Torah Mechina Begins at Troy Ave. Location

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/Anash.org

The 8th grade – “mechina l’mesivta” classes of Oholei Torah began the new year in the yeshiva’s Troy Avenue location, the former site of the Oholei Torah Mesivta. 

The 8th grade – “mechina l’mesivta” classes of Oholei Torah began the new year in the yeshiva’s Troy Avenue location, the former site of the Oholei Torah Mesivta. 

Thoroughly renovated and upgraded two years ago for the Mechina division, the location once again underwent repairs and upgrades during the summer to prepare for the new year.

The separate location allows the students to make the most out of the pivotal year in 8th grade, preparing for their coming years of yeshiva.

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