Online Smicha Starting New Year with Bochurim Track

As the Yeshiva year starts, Bochurim from all over the world are joining the Smicha program offered by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of for over a decade. Join now to enjoy a high level of structured learning, accompanied by resources, Shiurim, and tests.

Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha is a unique experienced online program that offers the flexibility of joining from anywhere around the globe, yet maintaining the high level of learning and personal interaction of a proper Smicha program. With 2 live weekly classes, an active WhatsApp group, and the ability to call and discuss matters, the program creates strong learning environment for its participants, and it is all accompanied by charts, mock tests, online resources of live classes and recorded classes, as well as other tools that enhance the learning experience.

“It is Geshmak to be able to join a Shiur from Yeshiva and get a Shiur from Rabbi Wilhelm,” says of the Bochurim, “his knowledge and style of teaching make the Shiurim interesting and gives the ability to really understand the Halachos properly and bring them down to practical implications”.

This week, one of the groups will be starting with Hilchos Maacholei Akum. A few remaining spots are available in the class. To learn more or to apply, visit the program’s website at or email [email protected]

Special price when joining with a Chavrusa or as a group. Contact [email protected] for more information

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