On the Wednesday before Rosh Hashana, New Haven celebrated a community-wide Hakhel with renowned Chassidic speaker Rabbi Shais Taub.
Live: Online Farbrengen to Mark Vov Tishrei
Join live at 8:00 PM EST: The Farbrengen will be hosted by Rabbi Mendel Feller of West S. Paul, MN, and will feature remarks from Rabbi Leibel Schapiro of Miami, FL, and Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin of Seattle, WA.
Do We Have the Strength It Takes?
From the Anash.org Inbox: “Perhaps it is hashgocho protis that WhatsApp’s “channels” feature went live in the middle of Aseres Yimei Teshuvah. It gives us the opportunity to take a step back and reassess.”
Here’s What You Really Need to Know When Buying Daled Minim
At a recent shiur delivered for 5 young shuls in Crown Heights, Harav Shmuel Chaim Bluming explained what anyone who is purchasing daled minim has to know. Watch a full replay.
L’Chaim: Goldman – Wilhelm
The L’Chaim of Mendel Goldman of Gainesville, FL, and Chayale Wilhelm of Crown Heights took place Tuesday night at Ulam Chana.
Our Communities
Live: Lemaan Yilmedu Grand Chag Hasmicha
Watch Live at 6:00 pm EST: Hundreds of graduates will receive Semicha at the Lemaan Yilmedu Semicha celebration at Oholei Torah Hall in Crown Heights.
New Shluchim to Burbank, California
Rabbi Moshe and Chaya’le Kornfeld, along with their son Mendel, have been appointed as the new Shluchim to the vibrant city of Burbank, California.
Three New Torahs In One Week Start Off the New Year in Moscow
The new year started off with a triple celebration in Moscow as three different shuls in the capital city welcomed new Sifrei Torah, leading up to an inspiring Rosh Hashanah.
By The Numbers: Eshel-Hachnosas Orchim
For more than fifty years, Eshel-Hachnosas Orchim, the veteran and main organization that takes care of the guests’ material and spiritual needs.
Gala Dinner Celebrates New Kollel and Chabad Expansion
300 people celebrated the opening of a new Kollel and the imminent expansion of the major Jewish Center in South Broward, Florida, at the 42nd Annual Dinner of Congregation Levi Yitzchok-Lubavitch/Chabad of South Broward Headquarters.
L’Chaim: Kogan – Gutleizer
The L’Chaim of Aron Kogan of Staten Island and Henna Gutleizer of Crown Heights took place Tuesday night at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
“I Must Have a Bias Towards Machon Chana”
50 years ago, the Rebbe selected the first baalas tshuva yeshiva in the world to carry his mother’s name, and called the students “meine techter” – my daughters. On Rebbetzin Chana’s yahrzeit, help the yeshiva expand.
Help the Lewin Family As They Face An Unimaginable Tragedy
Levi Lewin, a 16-year-old Lubavitcher bochur who was studying in Yeshivas Tzeirei Hatmimim of Tzfas, passed away suddenly on Tzom Gedalya. Help ease the family’s burden as they deal with this unimaginable tragedy.
Israel’s Foreign Minister Came to Visit His “Competition”
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who recently contrasted Israel’s 108 ambassadors to the thousands of Chabad shluchim, visited the Rebbe’s Ohel on Tuesday.
Shluchim to British Columbia Gather for First Time in 50 Years
For the first time since Chabad arrived in British Columbia 50 years ago – all 17 Shluchim families, men women and children, gathered from across the province for a heartwarming Kinus Hakhel
Zambia’s New Torah is First Since its Establishment
In a historic first since the country was established 60 years ago, a new Torah was welcomed in Zambia by shliach Rabbi Mendy Herzel and his congregation.
New Baltimore Girls’ High School Opens to Great Acclaim
The new Chabad Girls’ High School of Baltimore held a grand opening before Rosh Hashanah, attended by the founders, staff, teachers, parents and students.
Israeli Political and Military Leaders Visit 770
While in New York with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu for the UN General Assembly, Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat paid a visit to 770. Prominent Israeli General Yoel Strick paid his own visit.
Satmar Rebbe Warmly Welcomes Chabad Authors
Two Lubavitcher authors were warmly welcomed by the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, Harav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, and presented him with their seforim.
Tishrei in Lubavitch: Now What?
Thousands of guests this Tishrei will turn to Vaad Hatmimim. The numbers are simply astronomical! And every year, Vaad Hatmimim steps up to the challenge, making sure each and every guest is cared for.
Is WhatsApp Becoming A Danger for Our Families?
As WhatsApp rolls out the new ‘Channels’ feature, we republish a letter that was sent to Anash.org and published a number of months ago, raising grave concerns regarding the new addition.