The streets and shops of Crown Heights were bustling on Friday with thousands of residents and guests as they prepared for Shabbos Parshas Haazinu – Shabbos Shuva.
Download and Print: Shabbos Digest
Download and print for your Shabbos reading pleasure: The Shabbos Digest presents the top stories, commentary, opinions, and columns from the past week, in a print-friendly format.
New Publication Discusses Childbirth on Shabbos
A joint collaboration between the Crown Heights Beis Din,, and Chaya Raichik of Mikvah Stories brings you The Halachos of Giving Birth on Shabbos and Yom Tov!
Brothers in Arms: Anti-Bibi Protesters Wrap Tefillin at UN
As Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu addressed the UN, thousands gathered outside to protest for and against him. Lubavitcher bochurim were on the scene to wrap tefillin.
Locals and Guests at Yahrzeit Farbrengen in 770
The benches of 770 were filled to capacity with locals and guests who joined the farbrengen marking the 59th yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana Scheerson, mother of the Rebbe.
Our Communities
Thousands Flock to the Rebbe’s Ohel on His Mother’s Yahrzeit
Thousands of Chassidim visited the Rebbe’s Ohel in Queens, NY on Vov Tishrei, the yahrzeit of his mother Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson.
Eshel Hosts Meals in Large Tent as Tishrei Guests Grow
The Eshel Hachnosas Orchim organization, which hosts guests coming to the Rebbe for Tishrei, set up a large tent in the parking lot of Oholei Torah to accommodate the larger-than-ever crowd this year.
L’Chaim: Lefkowitz – Hendel
The L’Chaim of Yehuda Lefkowitz of Boro Park, NY to Devora Hendel of Marine Park, NY took place Wednesday night at Ulam Chana.
How Parnassa Is Dictated
Traveling to the Rebbe, spending time in 770, has always been a cornerstone in the ruchniusdike life of a chossid. In one exchange, the Rebbe explained how this can also affect one’s livelihood.
Kids Curriculum Will Keep Your Children Busy on Yom Tov
Are you looking to make this year’s Yomim Tovim a truly memorable and fun experience for the children of your community or shul? Look no further.
R’ Michel Zlotchover’s Niggun In Honor of Yemei Teshuva
In honor of the Aseres Yemei Teshuva, the Vaad Hanigunim presents R’ Michal Zlotchover’s Niggun, a niggun that arouses a deep longing to once again be with the Rebbe for Yom Tov.
Anash of East Flatbush Perform Kaparos
East Flatbush families performed the minhag of Kaparos on Thursday, ahead of Yom Kippur. The kaparos was organized by NCFJE and subsidized by donors.
Crown Heights Families Perform Kaparos
Crown Heights families performed the minhag of Kaparos on Thursday, ahead of Yom Kippur. The kaparos was organized by NCFJE and subsidized by donors.
Frierdiker Rebbe’s Coat Displayed in the Rebbe’s Library
The Frierdiker Rebbe’s coat, which can be seen in many famous photos of his years in America, is now on public display in the exhibition at the Rebbe’s library.
Cash Inserted Into My Pocket on Yom Tov Mivtzoim? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including marking a page for after Shabbos, cash inserted into my pocket on Yom Tov mivtzoim, and choosing between Sukkah or Lulav.
Never-Before-Seen Photos of Rebbetzin Chana’s Funeral Released
Following extensive effort, JEM announced today, Vov Tishrei, the publication of four collections of pictures of the Rebbe that have yet to be seen by the public, including photos of Rebbetzin’s Chana’s funeral.
Newly-Released Letter from Rebbetzin Chana
In honor of Vov Tishrei, Or Vechom Hahiskashrus presented a newly-released letter and a twenty-dollar check that Rebbetzin Chana sent to Rabbi Leibel Raskin, intended for him to purchase gifts for his children.
Rebbe’s House Packed for Tefilos on Vov Tishrei
A large crowd of anash and bochurim squeezed into the Rebbe’s home on President St. for ma’ariv and shacharis on Vov Tishrei, yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe’s mother. Huge crowds gathered in 770 as well.
World-Renowned Chazzanim Pay Late-Night Visit to 770
A group of five world-renowned chazzanim paid a late-night visit to 770 Eastern Parkway in honor of the Aseres Yemei Teshuva.
Toronto Shliach Farbrengs for Guests in Crown Heights
Hundreds of bochurim spending Tishrei by the Rebbe joined an uplifting farbrengen with Rabbi Yossi Gansburg, shliach in Toronto, Canada.
6 Tishrei: Yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, Mother of the Rebbe
A brief overview of Rebbetzin Chana’s life, the events of 6 Tishrei 5725, and the ensuing years brought to life with links to the material referenced.
L’Chaim: Brikman – Lipszyc
The L’Chaim of Ari Brikman of Crown Heights and Gitty Lipszyc of Miami, FL took place Wednesday night at the JCM.
Vov Tishrei Mishnayos Offered in Podcast Format
In honor of Vov Tishrei, Yagdil Torah coordinated a unique podcast option to listen along and swiftly learn the mishnayos along with a clear, swift and concise shiur given by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz.
New Haven Gathers for Final Hakhel of 5783
On the Wednesday before Rosh Hashana, New Haven celebrated a community-wide Hakhel with renowned Chassidic speaker Rabbi Shais Taub.