Eshel Hosts Meals in Large Tent as Tishrei Guests Grow

Photos: Dovber Hechtman

The Eshel Hachnosas Orchim organization, which hosts guests coming to the Rebbe for Tishrei, set up a large tent in the parking lot of Oholei Torah to accommodate the larger-than-ever crowd this year. 

Photos: Dovber Hechtman

Thousands of guests who are spending the month of Tishrei at Lubavitch Headquarters and Crown Heights are being cared for by the Eshel organization, as every year. 

Due to an expanded number of guests, special accommodations were made to fit the large crowds of bochurim, girls and even families. 

The bochurim being served in a tent that was set up on the parking lot of Oholei Torah, with the girls using one hall in the Eshel building, and families using the other. 

Eshel Hachnosas Orchim provides all the guests who come to 770 for Tishrei with all their needs b’Gashmius and b’Ruchnius; Crown Heights residents have an opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe’s directive and join this great Mitzvah. 

The residents of Crown Heights have an opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe’s directive and join Eshel’s Hachnosas Orchim with their money and soul. 

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