One of the Rebbe‘s first activities on American shores was a public farbrengen on Sukkos for non-chassidishe yeshiva bochurim. At one such farbrengen, before the nesius, the Rebbe explained to them the meaning of a minhag.
The Stories Behind the Rebbe’s Shtenders
Over the years of the Rebbe’s nesius, he used a number of shtenders, each with their own unique story and history. These are the shtenders and the story behind each one.
Crown Heights Sukka Building Is in Full Swing
Up and down the alleys and streets of Crown Heights, everyone is busy assembling and building Sukkos.
Blachman Family Celebrates Birthdays With Torah Dedication
A new Sefer Torah was welcomed Wednesday in Crown Heights to Congregation Ahavas Moishe – Itchke’s Shtiebel, dedicated by R’ Eli and Sara Blachman.
Our Communities
Sukka Will Be Available at JFK For Jewish Passengers
As in past years, Chabad of the Airport is putting up a Sukkah at JFK airport. This Sukkah services Jewish travelers and also gives Jews using the airport the opportunity to shake the lulav and esrog.
Heartbreaking Levaya in Toronto Held for Young Girl
The levaya for nine year old Atara Cohen was held in Toronto after she was tragically struck by a vehicle.
Johns Hopkins Chabad Celebrates New Torah and Building Dedication
Chabad at Johns Hopkins marked a historic milestone, dedicating its first Sefer Torah, and dedicating and renaming the Chabad House, located right across the street from the world-renowned Johns Hopkins University campus.
A Song, and Dance, for Yom Tov
Singers Avraham Fried and Lior Narkis perform V’samachta in the unique style of the ‘Tzamah’ project. A music video with dance instructions for the song was also released.
Fund Launched for Family of 9-Year-Old Atara Cohen
A group of rabbonim and shluchim have launched a fund for the family of 9-year-old Atara Cohen who was tragically killed in an accident on Wednesday. Please open your hearts and help.
Sukkos is in the Air All Around Crown Heights
The Yom Tov of Sukkos could be felt on the streets and in the shops all around Crown Heights, with Sukkahs going up and daled minim being sold in every possible spot.
The Rebbe Told Crown Heights Residents: Yasher Koach
In numerous sichos over the years, the Rebbe thanked Crown Heights residents for hosting the guests who had traveled for Tishrei. Read what the Rebbe said, and see how that same hospitality continues today.
How R’ Meir Harlig Became the One to Hold the Rebbe’s Lulav
Watch: R’ Meir Harlig relates the story of how he became the one to receive the Rebbe’s daled minim and hold them as the chassidim would line up to use them each day of Sukkos.
Hakhel Initiative to Continue for the Next 7 Years
Although the Hakhel year has concluded, one bochur’s Hakhel project is not shutting down. Instead, it is merely changing format and continuing in full force.
Shiurim, Meals and Farbrengens Held for Visiting Bochurim
Bochurim who are spending Tishrei in Crown Heights are enjoying full daily programs packed with learning, engaging shiurim, lively farbrengens and delicious meals, all provided and organized by Vaad Hatmimim.
Atara Cohen, 9, AH
The nine-year-old Lubavitcher girl was tragically killed after being struck by a delivery vehicle outside her home in Thornhill, Ontario on Wednesday afternoon.
13 Tishrei: Yahrzeit of the Rebbe Maharash
Thursday, Yud Gimmel Tishrei, marks the yahrzeit of the Rebbe Maharash. Read about his life, watch a farbrengen, and download learning material for the special day.
Community Farbrengens Every Night of Sukkos
For the fourth year, Irgun Torah has introduced a lineup of leading Mashpi’im and Rabbonim that will Farbreng with the community over Sukkos, as Simchas Beis Hashoeiva is happening on Kingston Avenue.
How the Yom Kippur War was Experienced in 770
On the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, Vaad Hatmimim arranged a fascinating panel with Rabbis Michoel Seligson, Yosef Katzman, and Mendel Groner, who shared their recollections of Tishrei 5734.
Could You Decipher This?
Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried lamented the loss of various of his written manuscripts, decrying the fact that they would never be published. Yungerleit of Kollel Mayan Chai recently deciphered and edited a newly discovered manuscript.
‘The Mikvah’ of Crown Heights Offering Later Hours for Sukkos
‘The Mikvah’ of Crown Heights on Carroll Street announced post-meal hours for Yom Tov night as a service for the locals and guests of Crown Heights.
Panel Discusses 50 Years Since The Rebbe Sang the French Anthem
A historical panel, including four of the original participants, got together in Paris to share the events that led up to the Rebbe singing the French national anthem to the words of Ho’aderes V’hoemuna.
Crown Heights Shops For Daled Minim
Up and down the streets of Crown Heights, stores and stalls were busy with selling lulavin, esrogim, hadassim, and aravos.
One-Year-Old Orphan Received a Sign from the Rebbe
Young Avremush, who just lost his father, was playing with some seforim, and when he finished, his grandfather took a glance and was shocked…
Download Here: Day-to-Day Guide for Sukkos
Download here: Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din released a Day-to-Day Halachic Guide for the month of Tishrei, 5784. Part II: Erev Sukkos to 30 Tishrei.
New Comic Book Tells Modern-Day Story of Heroism
When Russia invaded Ukraine a year and a half ago, shliach Rabbi Shmulik decided that he needed to move his community to safety, even as missiles rained down. A new comic book tells his story.