Visiting and local mashpi’im led farbrengens every night of Sukkos in private and public sukkahs across Crown Heights, inspiring bochurim and Anash to draw on the inspiration from Sukkos for the entire year.
Thousands Celebrate Through the Night on Kingston Avenue
Thousands of people joined the dancing on Kingston Avenue on the first night of Chol Hamoed Sukkos with music by Eli Marcus and Yossi Cohen.
Crown Heights Dances at Simchas Beis Hashoeva
Joyous dancing continued all night at Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Crown Heights, with locals, guests and Yidden of all types and stripes joining hands to dance.
R’ Daniel Ramniceanu, 70, AH
R’ Daniel Ramniceanu, a beloved husband and father from Crown Heights, passed away on Motzei Yom Tov, 17 Tishrei, 5784.
50,000 Participate in Birkas Kohanim at the Kosel
Over 50,000 people from all walks of life participated in the Birkas Kohanim at the Kosel Hamaaravi on Monday morning, the second day of Chol Hamoed Sukkos.
Our Communities
Women and Girls to “Shake Up NYC”
This year, as in the past, Lubavitch Youth Organization is opening the Mivtza Lulav Center for women and girls, where they can come pick up pre-made Mivtzoim Lulav Sets, to borrow and take with them on mivtzoim.
Live: Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Crown Heights
Join Live at 10:00 PM: Join along as thousands dance in the streets of Crown Heights, celebrating Simchas Beis Hashoeva.
They Knew How to Breakdance, and They Danced in a Circle
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Breakdancing and disco dancing are full of self. Dancing in a circle demonstrates togetherness. These bachurim knew that while breakdancing will attract attention, the circle is really what it’s all about.
Crown Heights Prepares for Sukkos in the Rain
Residents and guests braved the heavy rain to make their final preparations for Sukkos, going for a last minute shopping or purchasing the daled minim and other Yom Tov needs.
Watch: The Rebbe’s Message on Sukkos in the Rain
In 1975, New York saw heavy rain over Sukkos. Rabbi Binyomin Silberstrom asked the Rebbe, “How can we spread joy during the festival Sukkos when it won’t stop raining? The Talmud clearly states that rain is a sign of God’s displeasure.”
Revel Scooters Cut Out Jewish Crown Heights
A year after a public outcry led Revel scooters to reverse their exclusion of Crown Heights, they are at it again, but this time neatly trimming out the Jewish sections of the community. Updated with response from Revel.
Heavy Rain Floods NYC on Erev Sukkos
Extremes rainstorms dropped several inches of water on New York City on Friday just as Jewish residents are preparing to celebrate Sukkos.
100 Destinations For Your Chol Hamoed Trip
Want to try something new this Chol Hamoed? A loyal reader compiled a comprehensive list of over 100 fun and family-oriented things to do and places to go that your family will love.
Panel Discusses Welcoming Moshiach
Yesterday, Eshel Hachnosas Orchim organized a momentous gathering of prominent Chabad rabbis and shluchim. The congress featured enlightening panel discussions on preparing to greet Moshiach, as per the Rebbe’s directives for our shlichus in this final generation.
Make Mivtzoim Part of Your Chol Hamoed Plans
Thousands of Yidden are waiting for you to come shake Lulav and Esrog with them. Chabad of Sheepshead Bay has organized routes and lists of Yidden to visit whenever is convenient for you.
Erev Sukkos with the Rebbe – Up-Close
Tishrei Up-Close, a new video series from JEM’s Good Night My Child, presents a special Tishrei series . Give your child a front row seat to this day full of special moments with the Rebbe.
The Message to Non-chassidishe Bochurim on American Shores
One of the Rebbe‘s first activities on American shores was a public farbrengen on Sukkos for non-chassidishe yeshiva bochurim. At one such farbrengen, before the nesius, the Rebbe explained to them the meaning of a minhag.
The Stories Behind the Rebbe’s Shtenders
Over the years of the Rebbe’s nesius, he used a number of shtenders, each with their own unique story and history. These are the shtenders and the story behind each one.
Crown Heights Sukka Building Is in Full Swing
Up and down the alleys and streets of Crown Heights, everyone is busy assembling and building Sukkos.
Blachman Family Celebrates Birthdays With Torah Dedication
A new Sefer Torah was welcomed Wednesday in Crown Heights to Congregation Ahavas Moishe – Itchke’s Shtiebel, dedicated by R’ Eli and Sara Blachman.
Sukka Will Be Available at JFK For Jewish Passengers
As in past years, Chabad of the Airport is putting up a Sukkah at JFK airport. This Sukkah services Jewish travelers and also gives Jews using the airport the opportunity to shake the lulav and esrog.
Heartbreaking Levaya in Toronto Held for Young Girl
The levaya for nine year old Atara Cohen was held in Toronto after she was tragically struck by a vehicle.
Johns Hopkins Chabad Celebrates New Torah and Building Dedication
Chabad at Johns Hopkins marked a historic milestone, dedicating its first Sefer Torah, and dedicating and renaming the Chabad House, located right across the street from the world-renowned Johns Hopkins University campus.
A Song, and Dance, for Yom Tov
Singers Avraham Fried and Lior Narkis perform V’samachta in the unique style of the ‘Tzamah’ project. A music video with dance instructions for the song was also released.
Fund Launched for Family of 9-Year-Old Atara Cohen
A group of rabbonim and shluchim have launched a fund for the family of 9-year-old Atara Cohen who was tragically killed in an accident on Wednesday. Please open your hearts and help.