R’ Daniel Ramniceanu, 70, AH

R’ Daniel Ramniceanu, a beloved husband and father from Crown Heights, passed away on Motzei Yom Tov, 17 Tishrei, 5784.

R’ Daniel Ramniceanu, a beloved husband and father from Crown Heights, passed away on Motzei Yom Tov, 17 Tishrei, 5784.

He was 70 years old.

He was originally from France and was a member of the FREE Shul in Crown Heights for many years. 

He was well known for serving the crowds in ess and bentch restaurant in Crown Heights and farbregens

More recently he davened at Chevras Shas.

He survived by his wife Tamar and children Mendel, Chaya Lasry and Yosef, and grandchildren. 

The levaya will take place today, passing by 770 at 1pm and Montefiore Cemetery at 2pm.

Baruch Dayam Haemes – Yerachmiel Daniel hakohen


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  1. Baruch Dyan Haemes…so sorry for your loss Tamar. May you be comforted among the mourners of Zion & Yerushaliem. May you know only
    simchas ..

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