13 mothers and children have been returned safely to Israel after 49 days in Hamas captivity. They are now undergoing medical evaluation in Israel.
Hebrew School Kids Sing in Unity Music Video For Israel
In an unprecedented display of unity and support for Israel, thousands of children from over 100 Chabad Hebrew Schools around the globe have come together to create a stirring music video.
L’Chaim: Dubinsky – Khazanovitch
The L’Chaim of Tzvi Dubinsky of Brighton, MA and Miriam Khazanovitch of Sharon, MA took place Thursday night at FREE Hall.
Get Active!
After an Israeli Major-General joined a 19 Kislev farbrengen, he notified the Rebbe of his “special experience and a feeling of elevation.” The Rebbe replied that as a Tzahal commander, he knows that what counts most is: action.
War Day 48: Hostage Deal Expected, Hezbollah Fires Heavy Barrage
War Summary, Day Forty Eight: No IDF casualties, Hezbollah fired heavily into northern Israel today, 40 arrests in Judea and Samaria.
Our Communities
Heartbreaking Shiva Call Inspires Song of Yearning “Hishtokekut”
Experienced therapist Mordechai Roth together with Mordechai Weberman join in a war duet to sing “Hishtokekut”, or “Yearning”, expressing Am Yisroel’s current mood.
Live: Yud Kislev Farbrengen in Lefferts Shul
Join Live Now: Rabbi Shmuel Pevzner is leading a farbrengen marking chag hageulah Yud Kislev in Lefferts Shul in Crown Heights.
770 Yeshiva Fabrengs for Yud Kislev with R’ Shlomo Zarchi
In honor of Yud Kislev, Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, beloved mashpia of the 770 yeshiva, farbrenged with bochurim in the upstairs zal. Words of hisorerus about the auspicious day were shared and heartfelt niggunim expressed.
Grand Yud Daled Kislev Farbrengen Planned at the Ohel
This Monday, there will be a farbrengen for all of anash, shluchim, and bochurim led by Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianski and Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, and emceed by Rabbi Mendel Danow.
Download and Print: Anash.org Magazine for Shabbos Vayetze
For your Shabbos reading pleasure: Why a Native American Chief came to 770 and the new initiative driving the study of Chassidus worldwide are among some of the articles in this week’s Anash magazine. Download here and print.
Watch: OYYL’S Path to Pure Chinuch
Why start a school when there are already so many other wonderful yeshivas in Crown Heights? Unravel the motivations behind the OYYL’s creation in an all new video― showcasing the yeshivah’s unwavering commitment to chinuch in its purest form.
Redeeming Captives: At What Cost?
Ask the Rov: At what cost may we redeem fellow Yidden in captivity? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
1,400 Mitzvahs “Raised” for Jewish Teen in ICU
In the wake of a local teen’s devastating accident, the Northridge community united with a Mitzvah campaign, committing over 1,400 mitzvahs in the merit of his recovery.
Three Jewish Boys, Sons of Arab Father, Enter Bris on Same Day
Leah’s story was one of the most complex that Yad L’Achim staffers had encountered in many years. Born and raised in an Arab village to a Jewish mother and an Arab father, she was deeply torn over her identity.
YTTL Montreal Pays Tribute to Shluchim With Exciting Carnival
A collaboration between the teachers, students, and parent body of YTTL Montreal set the stage for a day filled with excitement and fun to mark Rosh Chodesh Kislev.
The Hat Dilemma Solved: Introducing The Hatkeeper
If you’ve ever asked a Jewish man about driving, chances are he’ll mention the perpetual struggle with his hat. One innovative solution emerged from a simple Lego toy.
What’s the Rebbe’s View on the Hostage Deal?
As the Jewish Nation across the world eagerly awaits the returns of 50 mothers and children held in captivity, Jews are fiercely debating the morality of the hostage deal. As Chassidim we turn to the Rebbe for guidance.
Yud Kislev: The Chag Hageulah of the Mitteler Rebbe
The 10th of Kislev marks the day when the Mitteler Rebbe was released from prison. Read the story of his arrest and release, and watch it celebrated at the Rebbe’s farbrengens.
NCFJE Holds its Annual Gala Dinner with Mayor Eric Adams
The National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education held its 83rd Annual Gala Dinner near Times Square this past Sunday. Hundreds of friends and dignitaries, including NYC Mayor Eric Adams, attended.
The Rebbe On Thanksgiving and Its Lesson for Us
Thursday is the national holiday of Thanksgiving, celebrated in the United States and a number of other countries worldwide. What is the Rebbe’s view in regard to Thanksgiving? Are Jewish people allowed to celebrate it?
Chassidim Celebrate Mitteler Rebbe’s Liberation
Anash and bochurim gathered in 770 Wednesday night for a farbrengen marking the birthday and hilula of the Mitteler Rebbe on Tes Kislev, and to celebrate his Chag Hageula on Yud Kislev.
Shliach Has Been Giving Tefillin to Soldiers for 19 Years
Chabad Seine et Marne in France ran its 19th solidarity mission to IDF soldiers in Israel. The soldiers were treated to a large event with speakers, dancing, a lavish feast, and beautiful gifts such as tefillin, chitas and shabbos candle sticks.
L’Chaim: Levin – Belinow
The L’Chaim of Levi Levin of Kensington, NY and Sheina Belinow of São Paulo, Brazil took place Wednesday night at Ulam Chana.
Wellness Summit Provided Health Resources for Shluchim
For the first time ever, the International Kinus Hashluchim featured a full-day, dedicated educational forum focusing on health and wellbeing led by rabbonim, shluchim, and doctors.
War Day 47: Hostage Deal Delayed; IDF Captures Hamas Intelligence
Daily war summary from Eretz Yisroel: the IDF discovers Hamas intelligence offices and clears them out of information before destroying them, two soldiers were killed, and the deal to free hostages was approved.