Avraham (Boomie) Fried, 92, AH

Avraham (Boomie) Fried of Kew Gardens, brother of Mrs. Sheila Simon of Crown Heights, passed away on Zos Chanukah.

Avraham (Boomie) Fried of Kew Gardens, brother of Mrs. Sheila Simon of Crown Heights, passed away on Zos Chanukah, 3 Teves, 5783.

He was 92 years old.

He was the brother of Mrs. Sheila Simon, wife of R’ Mottel Simon a”h, of Asbury Park, NJ/Crown Heights.

Avrohom was born and raised in Lower East Side. Even though they had no money his parents had mesiras nefesh to send him and his brother Shaya to yeshivah. In those times, it was not taken for granted that children stay on the path of Yiddishkeit. Avraham did and was known throughout his life to live a life of strict adherence to Halacha.

He lived in Kew Gardens with his wife Sonia who passed away a year ago. In the last years of their lives they lived in Boro Park.

As the couple did not have any children, the family is asking those who are able to study Mishnayos l’iluei nishman Avraham Abba Ben Shlomah Yehuda.

Mrs. Sheila Simon is sitting Shivah at 1241 Carroll St.

Sunday-Wednesday 2-9 pm.

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