London Boys and Men Celebrate Hey Teves

It was a busy Motzei Shabbos Hey Teves at Heichal Menachem, the Anash Shul in Golders Green, London, with an Avos Ubanim for children and a farbrengen for men.

It was a busy Motzei Shabbos Hey Teves at Heichal Menachem, the Anash Shul in Golders Green, London.

About 1 hour after Shabbos, 40 boys gathered with their fathers for Avos Ubonim studying, followed by a grand Melave Malka. While the boys enjoyed the delicious food, they were addressed by Rabbi Menachem Junik, Rov of Beis Gavriel, who had the zechus to be meshamesh bakodesh, in the Rebbe and Rebbetzin‘s home.

Later on, over 50 men gathered for a melave malka and farbrengen. Leading the farbrengen, which lasted for a few hours, were Rabbi Avrohom Hertz, Rosh Yeshiva of Oholei Torah; Rabbi Mendy Lew, Shliach in Stanmore; and veteran Shliach Rabbi Shmuel Lew.

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