This Sunday, Women of Iron Unite invites you to a morning of inspiration, shining a spotlight on women who prioritized modesty and inspired others through their actions, including a CEO, shlucha, color analyst, musical artist, and pianist.
Chicago Mesivta Bochurim Release First Seder Nigunim Video
Bochurim at Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu – Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago produced a professional rendition of nigun ‘Yaaleh’ with Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz, the first part of an album that will soon be released to the public.
Over 1500 to Start Brand New Course on Workplace Halacha
More than 70 plus Lubavitch communities and Chabad Houses around the world are about to embark on Halacha classes for participants of all backgrounds using two unique tracks.
Mechina Bochurim Lead Oholei Torah’s Shushan Purim Carnival
Organized entirely by the dedicated bochurim of Mechina, Oholei Torah’s Shushan Purim carnival was a resounding success, featuring over 30 booths and games, all carefully designed to create an unforgettable experience for attendees.
Mega Tefillin Wrap Honors Indiana Shliach’s 70th Birthday
Over 90 men gathered at Chabad Lubavitch of Indiana for a surprise 70th birthday for head shliach, Rabbi Avrohom Grossbaum. The men donned Tefillin, davened shachris, and joined together for a celebratory birthday breakfast farbrengen.
Our Communities
Shluchim Bring Purim Joy to U.S. Military Bases Worldwide
From California to the Arabian Sea, from Okinawa, Japan, to Maryland, Chabad shluchim serving military personnel and veterans reached out across their bases to ensure everyone could celebrate Purim. They provided Mishloach Manos, Megillah readings, and a sense of joy and upliftment to the soldiers.
Purim Miracle in Aruba, Tourists Saved at Sea
In a dramatic turn of events, two Jewish tourists were rescued off the coast of Aruba by the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard after a jet ski excursion went awry. Aruba shluchim, Rabbi Ahron and Chaya Blasberg, helped coordinate the rescue efforts and provided assistance to the stranded visitors.
‘Unimaginable Joy’ at Purim Turned Shabbos Celebration
Throughout Purim night and day, round-the-clock megillah readings were held at the Marina Roshcha shul, attended by Jews from all over the city. On Friday afternoon, the community gathered for the Purim meal which continued into Shabbos with “pores mapa,” welcoming the Shabbos queen.
Turn Surplus Mishloach Manos Into Thousands of Brachos
Have you got extra Nosh from Purim? With all your extra snacks and nosh, thousands of public school kids can make brachos and enjoy kosher candy. Drop them off to make good use of your extra Mishloach Manos.
Should I Vote in the WZO Elections?
With the elections taking place for the World Zionist Congress, there has been much talk about whether one should participate. Harav Yosef Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din weighs in.
How Will We Fulfill Matanos Loevyonim When Moshiach Comes?
In this episode of the “Hilchisa L’Meshica” podcast, Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin discusses how we will do the mitzvah of Matonos Laevyonim if there are no poor people once Moshiach comes. Four possible explanations are offered.
War Day 527: Houthi leaders Eliminated, Israel Receives More Fighter Jets
War Summary, Day 527: Hostage negotiations still being attempted, Hamas rebuilding its army, weapons and UNRWA vest found together in Shomron, Hezbollah bullet hit a car in Israeli border town, several airstrikes in Lebanon, Yemen in panic from US airstrikes, with Houthi leaders amongst those eliminated, Houthi missile lands in the Sinai just past Israel, Hezbollah kidnaps and kills Syrian soldiers sparking cross-border rocket-fire, and IAF receives more F-35I fighter jets.
The Rogatchover’s Analysis of the Rebbe Rashab’s Histalkus
Two months after the histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab, R’ Yehoshua Nimotin mentioned it in a letter to the Rogatchover, which spurred a discussion on the histalkus of tzaddikim and their continued presence afterwards. Presented in honor of the Rogatchover’s yahrtzeit.
Jewish Soldiers Arrive from Battlefield to Purim Celebrations in Kyiv
Against the backdrop of ceasefire negotiations in Ukraine, Jewish fighters came from the frontlines to celebrate Purim together with the Jewish community in Kyiv led by Chief Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch.
Live: First Yahrzeit of Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski
Live at 7:00 PM ET: Friends, students, alumni, and the Morristown community will gather to honor the first yahrtzeit of Rabbi Shneur Zalman Wilschanski a”h, longtime Rosh Yeshiva of Tomchei Temimim Morristown and Rov of Congregation Levi Yitzchok.
Picture of the Day
Philanthropist Mr. George Rohr, who is accompanied on a tour of 770 by Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, says l’chaim at a farbrengen in 770’s cheder sheini with Harav Yosef Braun and Rabbi Shlomo Sternberg in honor of the third day of Purim Meshulash.
Triple Celebration in Yerushalayim for ‘Purim Meshulash’
Lubavitch photographer Dovber Hechtman captured the atmosphere in the streets of Meah Shearim, Geula, and Ramat Shlomo, bringing you a magnificent gallery of ‘Purim Meshulash,’ the three-day celebration that arises when Shushan Purim falls out on Shabbos, next due in the year 5805 (2045).
Purim in Kharkov was a Celebration of Hope and Joy
Despite it being the fourth Purim amidst the war, the Jews of Kharkov celebrated Purim in style, with hundreds of people of all ages joining in the festivities. With a fun cowboy theme, the Kharkov shul was transformed into a desert ranch with games and activities for everyone.
Renowned Shochet Shares Shechita Insights at Mesivta
Last week, students at a local Yeshiva Oholei Torah Mesivta had the privilege of attending a captivating lecture and Q&A session with Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui, a distinguished expert in Shechita. The event, organized by the Yeshiva’s administration, provided a unique opportunity for students to delve deeper into the intricacies of kashrus.
Israeli Court Favors Birth Parents in IVF Mix-Up Case
Israeli court rules that a couple who gave birth to a baby girl due to an IVF error will remain her legal parents, despite no genetic connection, overturning a prior decision. This case highlights once again the risks involved in such procedures and the critical need for reliable supervision.
Bais Hamikdash: Action or Result? Feature: This week’s Iyun Podcast by Rabbi Binyomin Bitton, director of the Tzfunot Institute, discusses the Rebbe and the Rogatchover on the definition of binyan Bais Hamikdash – the ‘action of building’ or to ‘have a Mikdash built’ – and its ramifications in shmiras and bedikas hamikdash, the histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab and our tzipiya to Moshiach.
World Zionist Congress: Where Do We Stand?
Every five years, voters determine who will influence the allocation of vital resources for Jewish interests in Eretz Yisrael and around the world. What is Chabad’s position on this election?