Long Island Young Scholars Compete in Port Washington

Young Jewish scholars from across Long Island gathered at Chabad of Port Washington for the Long Island JewQ Championship, one of many regionals taking place across the globe leading up to the International Championship at the CKids Shabbaton on March 30.


Siberian Government to Restore Historic Cantonists’ Shul

On the eve of Purim, the Siberian government announced its decision to renovate the historic shul built by the Cantonists approximately two hundred years ago, which had been converted into an apartment complex during the Soviet era and only recently returned to the Jewish community.


Rabbi Uri Mordechai Lipsch, 58, AH

Rabbi Uri Mordechai Lipsch, a veteran mechanech from Bnei Brak who spread chassidus, led initiatives to promote Sheva Mitzvos, and more recently taught in a Talmud Torah in Kfar Chabad, passed away on Purim after an illness.


War Day 526: Fake Hamas Journalists Eliminated, Trump Threatens Houthis

War Summary, Day 526: Tal Shoham talks about captivity, Hamas counters proposal for just one living hostage, huge gaps said to still negotiations, but Netanyahu directs continuation, IDF airstrike eliminated 6 terrorists in Gaza including two who posed as journalists, over 100 suspected terrorists arrested in Judea and Samaria this week, Trump threatens Lebanon with IDF return to war, Trump threatens Houthis and begins largest series of airstrikes, airstrikes in Yemen could continue over a week, and possible Houthi leader eliminated.


Creative Costumes at Crown Heights Purim Program

On Purim day, hundreds of Oholei Torah talmidim joined with their parents for a grand Purim program, including shachris, megilah reading, and Mishloach Manos exchange. Boys showed up in many creative costumes – both acquired and homemade.


3 Events to Honor Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski’s First Yahrzeit

Three events will be held this week honoring the late Morristown Rosh Yeshiva and Rov, Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski a”h, for his first yahrtzeit: A large community event in Morristown on Sunday, a Siyum Sefer Torah in Crown Heights on Monday, and a Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Raleigh, North Carolina on Tuesday.


Avos Ubanim Concludes Successful Season in Moscow

Fathers and sons in Russia’s capital gathered for the final week of Avos Ubanim, the worldwide father and son that takes place each Motzei Shabbos. A grand raffle was held for participants and each child received a special memento.


He Saw Him Correct Mishnayos and Zohar in His Sleep

When Reb Mordechai Liepler needed a miracle to evade arrest, the Alter Rebbe referred him to his mechutan, Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. Reb Mordechai hid in the room and watched an incredible scene as Reb Levi Yitzchok corrected Mishnayos and Zohar in his sleep.


Costumes Shine at Oholei Torah Megilah Reading

Oholei Torah Shabbos Minyan hosted a Purim night minyan with megillah reading and a lavish break fast. Talmidim were encouraged to come dressed in their costumes, and every talmid in a costume received a prize.


Experience Purim with the Rebbe

Celebrate Purim with the Rebbe with a curated collection of videos taking us back to the years when the highlight of Purim was the Rebbe’s farbrengen or seeing the Rebbe during krias hamegillah.


What Purim Can Teach Us About Inner Confidence

When a person acts in a way that is not in line with their true identity, they are fighting against themselves, creating a sort of “split-personality.” This is, of course, a very unhealthy way to live. The Rebbe’s lesson from the Megilah on inner confidence and pride.


A Yid Doesn’t Get Drunk

Standing next to her father in the hallway of 770, little Rivka Zajac of Brazil saw a chossid who was inebriated from the pre-hakafos farbrengen. “Tatte er iz shikker,” she told her father, but the Rebbe heard the comment and corrected her.


Where the Rebbe Gave Matonos L’evyonim

Over the next few hours, you may be deciding how best to direct your Matanos L’evyonim. Some may know that each Purim, the Rebbe would call in Rabbi Mentlick A”H and give Matonos Lo’evyonim towards Kupas Bochurim, taking care of Tmimim who needed assistance with clothing and other needs.


War Day 524: Israel Strikes Near Damascus, Unusual Jordan Infiltration

War Summary, Day 524: New hostage-ceasefire proposal only releases 5 living hostages, IDF hits terrorists planting roadside bombs, 90 tunnels found in Philadelphi Corridor, many crossing into Egypt, IDF doesn’t rule out tunnels not found and being used, Hamas can quickly rebuild some of the cross-border tunnels, Katz determined not to leave Philadelphi, 10 infiltrate from Jordanian border including minors, IAF strikes in Bekaa Valley, Lebanese Forces demand timetable for dismantling Hezbollah, airstrike in Damascus targets PIJ, and IDF delivers 10k aid packages to Syrian Druze.


Attacked Young Man Recounts Purim Miracle

Shneur Zalman, an 18-year-old from a Chabad-affiliated family in Rosh Ha’ayin, miraculously survived a shooting attack near the Ariel Industrial Zone on Wednesday. After being blinded with a laser and shot, he ditched his car and escaped by foot.


Bring Purim Joy and Mitzvos to Fellow New Yorkers

Would you like to take your family to spread the joy and Mitzvos of Purim to Jewish seniors? Would you rather hit the streets of NYC with Purim spirit or bring it to your coworkers? Or are you a High School, Sem, or Post Sem girls looking to do mivtzoim? Here are opportunities to spread the Purim joy.


Purim Empowers Jews Over Haman at Barnard College

As pro-Hamas protests and antisemitic texts spread at Barnard College and Columbia University, Jewish students connect more deeply to the Purim’s theme of Jewish survival and the Jewish triumph over hatred.


Do You Make These Mistakes When Reading the Megilah?

Throughout the megilah, there are pesukim which are often read incorrectly or the trop is confused with another similar posuk. Here are the lists of proper reading according to Minhag Chabad. Check and see if you read it correctly!


Drink Responsibly: Kashrus Guide on Alcoholic Drinks

As Purim approaches, many will be purchasing or receiving alcoholic beverages, but often without considering the important Kashrus aspect. Rabbi Nissan Zibell, of “Kashrus: Be In The Know,” has compiled two easy-to-follow visual guides to help ensure your Purim is celebrated with joy — without compromising your kashrus standards.


“Velizher Rov, I Am Prepared to Give Up My Life!”

Rabbi Eliezer Pupko was the rov in the Chabad city of Velizh when Jewish communists notified him that the Frierdiker Rebbe would soon be arrested. He immediately traveled to Leningrad, where he met the Frierdiker Rebbe and the Rebbe, who reminded him of their meeting years later.


Tenth Yahrzeit of Hatomim Uri Nissan Gurary

This Purim will mark ten years since the sudden passing of Hatomim Uri Nissan Gurary AH of Antwerp, Belgium. Read about this special bochur and do a mitzva on his yahrtzeit in his memory.

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