
Baby Boy
י׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 12, 2024

Full-Day Kinus Hamechanchim United All Divisions

Ahead of Shnas Halimudim 5785, the Mechanchim of the ‘Ohr Menachem’ mosdos – Cheder Ohr Menachem, Queens Mesivta, Poconos Yeshiva, and Chayolei Beis Dovid Vocational Yeshiva – gathered to gear up, refresh, and grow their Chinuch repertoire.


Office Policy: Using the Work Printer?

In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko discusses the obligation to return stolen goods, including whether the owner has to be informed that the object was returned, and what one who stole from the public should do.


CGI UK Wraps up the Most Successful Summer

This year’s Camp Gan Yisroel UK (CGI UK), wrapped up its most successful summer, attracting a large number of campers from all over the world. A large group of campers are planning to attend CGI UK’s annual ‘Tishrei by the Rebbe’ program run by the devoted staff.


These Young Students Had Their ‘Areinfirenish’ at Home

Children of Shluchim from around the world were excited to begin their first day at the Shluchim Office Online School. Young students had a virtual “areinfirenish” in their own homes during which they licked honey off Alef Beis and read letters from a Tanya shaar blatt.


Lubavitcher Activist Decries Hostage Deal for Terrorists

After recent Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef ruled to release terrorists in exchange for the hostages, Lubavitch author and Shleimus Haaretz activist Rabbi Shalom Ber Volpo, issued a ruling decrying releasing murderers with blood on their hands and reminds everyone of his prediction 14 years ago.


I Met the King in the Field

As a young pre-Bar-Mitzvah bochur, Yanky Herzog was touched when the Rebbe paid extra attention to him and taught him a lesson about melech basadeh that inspires his avodas Hashem until today.


Baby Boy
ט׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 12, 2024

Baby Girl
ט׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 11, 2024

Baby Girl
ט׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 11, 2024

The ‘Bubbling Spring’ Who Outweighed Them All

Lubavitcher photographer Mordechai Lubecki captured his visit to the ancient kever of the outstanding tanna R’ Elazar ben Arach, called a ‘bubbling spring’ for his endless innovation in Torah, and who outweighed all the other students of R’ Yochanan ben Zakkai.


Save a Life with a Simple Cheek Swab


Mrs. Elaine Robins was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. To put her Leukemia into remission, she needs a blood-only donation (no surgery) of marrow stem cells from a matching donor. A simple cheek swab at home is enough to identify a match.


Kingston Daily Kolel Uplifts Both Locals and Guests

Guests from Monsey and Lakewood to the Anash community of Kingston PA were amazed to hear the sounds of Torah during the day in the town shul where a daily Kolel has been operating since the start of the summer.


Wedding: Ceitlin – Lubin

The wedding of Sholom Ceitlin from Toronto and Chaya Mushka Lubin from Parsippany, NJ, took place at the Birchwood Manor in Whippany, New Jersey.


New Initiative to Enhance Security for Crown Heights Shuls

In response to recent security threats, the Vaad Hakahol, in collaboration with the Local Shul Representatives, has launched the Crown Heights Office of Security and Emergency Network (CHOSEN) to enhance the security and emergency preparedness of our shuls and community.


Krias Hatorah with Some People Sleeping? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including bowing at the end of shmone esrei, making a sukkah next to an overhang, Krias Hatorah with some people sleeping, and HaShem’s name written in English.

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