IDF Commandos Rappelled From Helicopters, Captured Iranian Officers

An unusual and dramatic Israeli-attributed operation, including a ground infiltration, took place in the Masyaf area of Syria earlier this week.


The IDF carried out airstrikes in Syria overnight Sunday, described as the “most massive wave of attacks in years,” that destroyed an IRGC chemical arms production site. Media reports on Wednesday evening, including Syrian TV, a Syrian opposition media outlet based in Turkey, said that the raid included a rare Israeli ground operation.

According to the reports, after Israeli fighter jets bombed targets from the air, Israeli commandos descended from helicopters on ropes, raided the facility, and captured several Iranian officers.

The operation began with airstrikes on the roads leading to the facility and on the facility’s security vehicles and points. Afterward, IDF helicopters carrying special forces approached the facility and hovered in the air as IDF commandos descended to the facility via ropes. Violent clashes at the site ensued, during which at least three Syrians were killed and others were injured, and the IDF commandos captured several Iranian officers. They also nabbed documents and key equipment and then rigged the facility with explosives.

The IDF forces withdrew from the area under the cover of combat and helicopters and drones, and later detonated the explosives, destroying the facility.

An eyewitness, a journalist from the Masyaf region, told the channel that on the night of the attack, he woke up to the sounds of explosions shaking the city and its surroundings. He stated that the sites hit by Israel are well-known to residents and have been attacked several times in the past, but this attack was “special because of its precision and power.” He added that Israeli helicopters entered the area after the strikes and carried out a quick ground operation.

Greek researcher Eva J. Koulouriotis wrote that “the targeted facility is directly affiliated with the IRGC and is responsible for developing ballistic missiles and drones and provides logistical support to the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon. The facility has been operating for more than ten years and was subjected to Israeli air strikes last year.”

“This special operation in Syria is considered an important development in the recently escalating scene in the Middle East. It is certain that what happened in Masyaf will become more clear in detail as the days pass and may be an indication of the imminence of a new escalation, whether on the Syrian or Lebanese arena.”

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  1. Iranian officers were indeed captured. For more details, see Mrs. Bruria Efune’s article (“War Day 342: Hamas on the Brink of Collapse”) above.

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