War Day 335: Hostage Cause of Death Uncovered, Houthi Missile Hits

War Summary, Day 335: The bodies of hostages Sgt. Ron Sherman, Cpl. Nik Beizer, and civilian Elia Toledano uncovered in a tunnel were likely killed as a result of an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, there are currently attempts being made to establish a unity government for the sake of a hostage deal, and the Houthis sent a missile to Israel that landed in central Israel.


Mrs. Chana Popack, 98, AH

Mrs. Chana Popack, a dedicated leader of the women’s N’shei Chabad organization in Crown Heights for many years, passed away on Friday, 11 Elul, 5784.


Transform Your Elul and Tishrei with Living Chassidus

Elul can be a busy time. A new school year is getting off the ground, perhaps you are starting a new job or getting busier at your old one, and somehow, you’re also meant to find time for the ruchniusdik preparations for Tishrei. Living Chassidus is here to help.


European Teen Camp Leaves a Lasting Impact

Amidst centuries-old gravestones in Keszthely, Hungary, an unlikely scene unfolded this summer. Jewish teens from CTeen chapters across the globe, armed with gardening tools and determination, breathed new life into the forgotten Jewish cemetery.


New Shul Inaugurated in Moscow Prison

A new shul inaugurated in Moscow Prison with the participation of the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, joins a dozen active shuls in Russian prisons, aiming to bring light to the inmates and reduce recidivism.


MyShliach Welcomes New Year with State of The Art Platform

MyShliach at Merkos 302  kicks off the new school year by launching a brand-new platform, designed to engage the 5,500 young shluchim it serves, amplify their sense of community, and provide a unified platform for both parents and children.


New Academic Year to Start at Lemaan Yilmedu

Lemaan Yilmedu has transformed the study of halacha, making in-depth Torah learning accessible to all with a carefully designed curriculum and high-quality study materials, all taught by expert rabbonim and educators. Peruse their new catalog and choose your course! 


New Engagement
י״ב אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 15, 2024

Baby Boy
י״ב אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 14, 2024

War Day 334: Sign of Life From Hostage, Tzfas Bombarded

Hamas munitions and other gear found in a children’s backpack.

War Summary, Day 333-334: IDF troops had recently found a recording in Gaza where hostage Matan Angrest an IDF soldier can be heard asking Prime Minister Netanyahu to make a prisoner exchange, over Friday and Shabbos Tzfas was bombarded with rockets, and Israel plans to take over territory in Southern Lebanon to ensure that Israelis in Northern Israel are safe to return home.


He Just Sat There Looking at the Sky

Reb Moshe Yitzchak of Yasi, a chossid of the Alter Rebbe and Mitteler Rebbe, was returning from the mikvah one erev Shabbos, when he suddenly looked up to the sky and became very excited. The incident remained a mystery for years until the Tzemach Tzedek explained it.


Bowery Shliach Shares His Teshuva Story

In a newly released The Alef in Conversation Podcast, a project of Merkos 302’s Moshiach Office, Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn of Chabad House Bowery, shares his experiences for an enlightening twist on the concept of Teshuva, in a refreshing and empowering conversation.


‘The Mikdash Movement’ Book Highlights the Uniqueness of 770

A new book for children, titled “The Mikdash Movement,” explores the unique significance of Bais Rabbeinu, both during Golus and at the cusp of Geulah. Produced by the Tut Altz Kids at Merkos 302, this exploration comes to life through fun learning experiences.


Baby Boy
י׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 13, 2024

New Letter to the Rebbe’s Vienna Acquaintance in Cuba

In addition to a collection of letters on Elul, this week’s collection includes a newly released letter from 1944 to Mr. Julius Steinfeld the Rebbe met in Vienna and who was instrumental in saving many lives during the Holocaust until he was forced to flee to Cuba.


School Choice Headed to the House is a Tuition Game-Changer

Today, the Educational Choice for Children Act passed a key committee and is ready to be voted on by the House of Representatives, which will enable parents to get help from tax funds to cover their children’s private school tuition. This is a game-changer for parents struggling with tuition.


Learn the Chassidus That Affects You Most

Some time after being told by the Rebbe to learn avodadike maamorim, Reb Bentzion Stein‘s mashpia felt that it might be time to upgrade. In his next yechidus, the Rebbe advised him to continue learning what affected him most, but learn haskala maamorim on Shabbos.


War Day 342: Hamas on the Brink of Collapse, Soldier Rammed at Guarding Station

Sgt. Maj. (res.) Daniel Alloush, 37, from Tel Aviv Sgt. Maj. (res.) Tom Ish-Shalom, 38, from Nes Harim

War Summary, Day 339-342: Two IAF soldiers killed in helicopter crash, strong evidence that Hamas’s military is at the brink of collapse, Hamas made $500M off humanitarian aid, top Hamas generals eliminated in heavy airstrike, Rafah Brigade defeated, UNRWA helping Hamas survive and suppress rebellion, and IDF executed a secretive and dangerous operation under a mountain in Syria.


NCN Has a Simple Way to End the Shidduch Crisis

In the N’shei Chabad Newsletter’s latest edition, Sholom Nemanow suggests a novel way to end the shidduch crisis, Zeldy Schwei, who gives sewing lessons to children in Crown Heights, tells how she was inspired by the Rebbe, and Mrs. Esther Sternberg speaks about Rebbetzin Chana.

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