New Letter to the Rebbe’s Vienna Acquaintance in Cuba

In addition to a collection of letters on Elul, this week’s collection includes a newly released letter from 1944 to Mr. Julius Steinfeld the Rebbe met in Vienna and who was instrumental in saving many lives during the Holocaust until he was forced to flee to Cuba.

The month of Elul is an opportune time to do Teshuvah. This theme was many times the subject matter of the Rebbe’s pastoral letters sent leading up to the month of Tishrei and the high holidays. Presented here is one such letter along with a few other letters where this theme is further elaborated on.

At the end of the booklet, there is a historic newly released letter dated in 1944. The Rebbe writes to Mr. Julius Steinfeld that they had previously met and became acquainted with when they were both in Vienna. Steinfeld was instrumental in saving many lives during the Holocaust until he was forced to flee. He found refuge in Cuba, where the Rebbe and Rebbe Rayatz encouraged him to be active in spreading Judaism.

Rebbe Responsa kindly requests anyone who may be in possession of letters of the Rebbe in English, to send them by email so that these unique treasures can benefit the public.

These selected letters are sourced from the extensive collection of over 5,000 English letters written by the Rebbe, accessible through the Rebbe Responsa app.

Click here to download the booklet.

Click here for PDF in booklet format.

Click here to view all previous editions.

See also another booklet for the Month of Elul.

In a recent wedding memento many English letters were published.

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