As More Seek Connection, Harness the Power of Digital Marketing

This Tishrei, Shluchim are intensifying their efforts to welcome the growing number of Jews seeking community, connection and inspiration. A Merkos 302 workshop will equip Shluchim with essential tools to strengthen their online presence ahead of the High Holidays.


War Day 347: 2800 Hezbollah Targeted, Assassination Attempt Foiled

War Summary, Day 346-347: Hamas wants to continue “war of attrition,” IDF re-upping presence in Gaza, calm in North is now an official goal of the war, up of 2,800 injured in Hezbollah pager explosions with Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon amongst the seriously injured, Shin Bet foiled a Hezbollah assassination attempt, and Houthis claim U.S. is offering recognition in exchange for quiet.


Picture of the Day

After landing from Eretz Yisrael, the Makova Rebbe’s first stop was to visit the Ohel where he davened mairiv with his chassidim and went in with them to daven inside the Ohel.


Shofar with a Crack or a Hole? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including a crack in a shofar, sharing a vort between aliyos, and replacing yahrtzeit plaques with a digital board.


Every Bochur Can Now Master Semicha Topics

The Rebbe emphasized the importance of bochurim learning semicha before marriage to build homes rooted in Torah and equip them with the knowledge to serve as “Rav” for their families. Lemaan Yilmedu’s program will help you achieve your goal.


Mr. Yosef Ciechanover, 90, AH

Yosef Ciechanover, former Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government positions, who had an extensive relationship with the Rebbe and brought many prominent officials to the Rebbe, passed away on 14 Elul 5784.


A Virtual Tour of the City of Tverya

Lubavitch photographer Mordechai Lubecki traveled to Tverya and documented the ancient city, the Chabad Houses, mikvaos, the local CTeen chapter, and the Kever Imahos of Bilhah, Zilpa, Tzipporah, Elisheva, and Avigail.


Chaos in Lebanon as Hezbollah’s Pagers Explode

As many as 1000 Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon have been either killed or injured when their portable communication devices exploded in what is said to be an IDF hack. Among them is the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon, who apparently also had a Hezbollah pager blow up in his pocket.


Building a Brighter Future in Manchester, New Hampshire

It was a hot summer day, but you could feel palpable joy in the air. An extraordinarily momentous occasion was taking place in Manchester, New Hampshire: after many long years and red-tape hurdles, the Chabad Center of Jewish Living was moving forward with a much-needed expansion.


You Can Own an Item from the Rebbe


Appel Auction is happy to announce a special Chabad auction in honor of Chai Elul featuring the Reb Chaim Tzvi Dovid Konikov AH collection, including a Tehillim used by the Rebbe, Dvar Malchus booklet, letters, dollars, and coins.


Baby Boy
י״ג אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 16, 2024

Yeshivas Kayitz Concludes Unforgettable Summer in Tzfas

Amid the ongoing war in Eretz Yisrael, Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei Hashluchim recently concluded its six-week summer program in Tzfas. Under the guidance of Rabbis Chaim and Zalman Kaplan, and directed by Eli Rosenfeld, 110 bochurim gathered for what they described as the “summer of a lifetime.”


Chabad Welcomes R’ Shaul Alter in Tbilisi, Georgia

R’ Shaul Alter, the Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva and leader of the growing Pnei Menachem community, traveled with a group of supporters for a Shabbos in Tbilisi, Georgia. Shluchim Rabbi Meir Kozlovsky and Rabbi Mendy Edry greeted him and discussed their impact there.


Jewish Pride Mobile to Tour Campuses Cross Country

Encampments, protests, and antisemitic rhetoric may be ramping up as students return to campus this fall, but something else is coming, too: A Jewish pride tour will hit colleges and universities across more than forty states and Canada, courtesy of Chabad on Campus. 


New Agreement Reached on Yeshiva Bochur Draft Law

An agreement has been reached between Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and UTJ Chairman Yitzchok Goldknopf regarding the formulation and promotion of a new Draft Law which would stop the attempt to draft all yeshiva bochurim into the army.


Resource Site Equips Shluchim for Biggest Tishrei Expected

A collaborative initiative from multiple Merkos departments, this year’s Tishrei site from Merkos 302 offers an extensive array of timely resources to support Shluchim as they prepare for a significant influx of participants this year marking the first anniversary of October 7th.

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