Coral Springs Mesivta Holds Grand Siyum on Sicha Mivtza

The Mesivta of Coral Springs celebrated a joyous Seudah and Siyum upon completion a three-month Mivtzah titled “Sichoseinu.” The Mivtzah, run by the Shluchim, focused on learning Likkutei Sichos and developing Yiddish, culminating in an evening filled with inspiration, speeches, awards, and prizes.


Serving Milchigs for the Purim Seuda? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including meat for Purim meal, adding water to an urn right before Shabbos, washed hands with ring on, and leining by a boy under Bar Mitzvah.


Agam Berger Visits 770 in Kfar Chabad to Thank the Rebbe

Freed hostage Agam Berger, together with her parents, Shlomi and Meirav, visited 770 in Kfar Chabad to express their gratitude to the Rebbe. They were accompanied by Cholon shluchim and the city’s Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yochanan Gurary.


Learn Rambam with the Rebbe Like Never Before

A new groundbreaking 2-volume work by shliach Rabbi Yossi Lipskier, titled “Otzar Hamelech,” collects thousands of the Rebbe’s explanations on Rambam never organized before, and is being released in honor of the upcoming Siyum Harambam.


IDF Purim Project in Memory of Sergeant Yisrael Suissa

As Purim approaches, Chayal El Chayal is kicking off its annual IDF Purim Project in memory of Yisrael Suissa Z”L bringing the joy and spirit of Purim to soldiers stationed on base. The IDF Purim Project ensures that these brave men and women don’t miss out on the joy of Purim.


War Day 507: IDF Flies Over Nasrallah Funeral, Failed Rocket Launches From Gaza

War Summary, Day 507: Hamas fooled two hostages into thinking they’d be freed, two failed rocket launches from Gaza, gag order on Bat Yam bombing: plans were far worse than public knows, IDF evacuates Jenin, brings in tanks, Hezbollah planned to launch rockets at Israel during Nasrallah funeral and IDF destroyed launchers first, IDF flies over Nasrallah funeral, IDF protecting Syrian Druze, and two caught infiltrating from Jordan.


Baby Girl
כ״ז שבט ה׳תשפ״ה - February 24, 2025

Bochurim Publish Rabbi Herson’s Personal Rebbe Stories

In honor of the shloshim of Rabbi Moshe Herson AH, dean of the Rabbinical College of America and Head Shliach of New Jersey, a collection of his favorite stories he told the bochurim and later checked over were published for the public.


Shloshim Event to be Held for Rabbi Levi Wolosow

Following the outpouring of love by the Anash community after the passing of NJ shliach Rabbi Levi Wolosow AH, the Chazanow and Wolosow Families invite all those who can attend an in-person shloshim to be held in Marlboro, New Jersey, on Tuesday, 4 Adar, March 4th.


Popular Speaker and Singer to Headline 44th Siyum HaRambam

The International Rambam Celebration Committee has announced that speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson and singer Eitan Katz will appear at the 44th Siyum HaRambam, set to take place on Sunday, 2 Adar 5785 (March 2, 2025), at the Bedford Union Armory in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.


Rav Shaul Alter Visits Chabad Baltimore Yeshiva

Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva and leader of the international Pnei Menachem community, Rav Shaul Alter, who is on a trip to the US, visited the Lubavitch Yeshiva of Baltimore, where he delivered a shiur to the bochurim and their hanhala.


Gala Banquet of the 35th International Kinus Hashluchos

Over 4,000 shluchos and lay leaders from around the world filled the 150,000-square-foot New Jersey Convention and Expo Center, transformed for the evening into a beautiful banquet hall, for the 35th International Kinus Hashluchos.


Miami Rosh Yeshiva Publishes Prestigious Sefer

After decades of in-depth shiurim, Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, longtime Rosh Yeshiva of the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Miami, published a prestigious 550-page volume containing his profound and thought-provoking shiurim on Maseches Kiddushin, titled “Imrei Leiv.”

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