Appel Auction is happy to announce a special Chabad auction in honor of Chai Elul featuring the Reb Chaim Tzvi Dovid Konikov AH collection, including a Tehillim used by the Rebbe, Dvar Malchus booklet, letters, dollars, and coins.
My Fellow Bochurim, Please Join Me
From the Inbox: A bochur who practices what he preaches pens a heartfelt plea to his fellow bochurim to join him in being honest with themselves this Elul and do what is good for them.
Yeshivas Kayitz Concludes Unforgettable Summer in Tzfas
Amid the ongoing war in Eretz Yisrael, Yeshivas Kayitz Tzeirei Hashluchim recently concluded its six-week summer program in Tzfas. Under the guidance of Rabbis Chaim and Zalman Kaplan, and directed by Eli Rosenfeld, 110 bochurim gathered for what they described as the “summer of a lifetime.”
Chabad Welcomes R’ Shaul Alter in Tbilisi, Georgia
R’ Shaul Alter, the Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva and leader of the growing Pnei Menachem community, traveled with a group of supporters for a Shabbos in Tbilisi, Georgia. Shluchim Rabbi Meir Kozlovsky and Rabbi Mendy Edry greeted him and discussed their impact there.
Our Communities
Numerous Mezuzos Replace One Mezuzah Vandalized at Harvard
After an anti-Semitic thug removed a mezuzah from a Harvard University dorm room, students banded to put up even more mezuzos by recruiting dozens of new Jewish students to affix mezuzos on their doorways.
Jewish Pride Mobile to Tour Campuses Cross Country
Encampments, protests, and antisemitic rhetoric may be ramping up as students return to campus this fall, but something else is coming, too: A Jewish pride tour will hit colleges and universities across more than forty states and Canada, courtesy of Chabad on Campus.
Watch: A Walk-Through Tour of 770
Join Mendy Pellin for an eye-opening tour through 770, elaborating on the fascinating history of the building and the function of each area as it was used throughout the Rebbe’s nesius.
New Agreement Reached on Yeshiva Bochur Draft Law
An agreement has been reached between Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and UTJ Chairman Yitzchok Goldknopf regarding the formulation and promotion of a new Draft Law which would stop the attempt to draft all yeshiva bochurim into the army.
Resource Site Equips Shluchim for Biggest Tishrei Expected
A collaborative initiative from multiple Merkos departments, this year’s Tishrei site from Merkos 302 offers an extensive array of timely resources to support Shluchim as they prepare for a significant influx of participants this year marking the first anniversary of October 7th.
War Day 335: Hostage Cause of Death Uncovered, Houthi Missile Hits
War Summary, Day 335: The bodies of hostages Sgt. Ron Sherman, Cpl. Nik Beizer, and civilian Elia Toledano uncovered in a tunnel were likely killed as a result of an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, there are currently attempts being made to establish a unity government for the sake of a hostage deal, and the Houthis sent a missile to Israel that landed in central Israel.
Mrs. Chana Popack, 98, AH
Mrs. Chana Popack, a dedicated leader of the women’s N’shei Chabad organization in Crown Heights for many years, passed away on Friday, 11 Elul, 5784.
Transform Your Elul and Tishrei with Living Chassidus
Elul can be a busy time. A new school year is getting off the ground, perhaps you are starting a new job or getting busier at your old one, and somehow, you’re also meant to find time for the ruchniusdik preparations for Tishrei. Living Chassidus is here to help.
European Teen Camp Leaves a Lasting Impact
Amidst centuries-old gravestones in Keszthely, Hungary, an unlikely scene unfolded this summer. Jewish teens from CTeen chapters across the globe, armed with gardening tools and determination, breathed new life into the forgotten Jewish cemetery.
Kosel Notes Cleared to Hold Requests for a Good Year
Ahead of Rosh Hashana 5785, tens of thousands of notes were cleared from the Kosel, according to halachic guidelines using gloves and disposable wooden tools, with the aim of making space for the mispalelim coming before the new year.
New Shul Inaugurated in Moscow Prison
A new shul inaugurated in Moscow Prison with the participation of the Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, joins a dozen active shuls in Russian prisons, aiming to bring light to the inmates and reduce recidivism.
‘Ginzaya’ Journal Publishes Historical Chabad Documents
A weekly publication by brothers and Chabad historians Yisroel and Shlomo Barda contains historical Chabad documents about the Rebbeim and chassidim, as well as memoirs about them from both Chassidim and non-Chassidim.
Ascending Har Habayis Today?
Ask the Rov: Is it permissible to ascend Har Habayis today? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
Soulful Musical Production Filmed in Crown Heights
A new music video titled Min Hameitzar, recited before blowing shofar on Rosh Hashana, features singers Motty Steinmetz and Dovy Meisels, and was filmed at The Arches in Crown Heights with locals appearing as background actors.
MyShliach Welcomes New Year with State of The Art Platform
MyShliach at Merkos 302 kicks off the new school year by launching a brand-new platform, designed to engage the 5,500 young shluchim it serves, amplify their sense of community, and provide a unified platform for both parents and children.
New Academic Year to Start at Lemaan Yilmedu
Lemaan Yilmedu has transformed the study of halacha, making in-depth Torah learning accessible to all with a carefully designed curriculum and high-quality study materials, all taught by expert rabbonim and educators. Peruse their new catalog and choose your course!
War Day 334: Sign of Life From Hostage, Tzfas Bombarded
War Summary, Day 333-334: IDF troops had recently found a recording in Gaza where hostage Matan Angrest an IDF soldier can be heard asking Prime Minister Netanyahu to make a prisoner exchange, over Friday and Shabbos Tzfas was bombarded with rockets, and Israel plans to take over territory in Southern Lebanon to ensure that Israelis in Northern Israel are safe to return home.
He Just Sat There Looking at the Sky
Reb Moshe Yitzchak of Yasi, a chossid of the Alter Rebbe and Mitteler Rebbe, was returning from the mikvah one erev Shabbos, when he suddenly looked up to the sky and became very excited. The incident remained a mystery for years until the Tzemach Tzedek explained it.