As the Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen drew to a close, the Rebbe said a short sicha on the urgency to learn Chassidus so that a working person’s “spare hours should be flooded and drenched” and they “become proficient in Torah Or, Likkutei Torah, obviously Tanya, Hemsheichim and Maamorim.”
As the 19 Kislev 5723 farbrengen drew to a close, the Rebbe said a short sicha, which was later edited for public dissemination:
“The main point of all the sichos is this: One must learn Chassidus, with persistence, diligence and in abundance (בשופי בהתמדה ושקידה).
“I am referring also to working people. Their spare hours should be flooded and drenched in Torah learning, and Chassidus in particular…
“A Yid should allow himself to become proficient in Torah Or, Likkutei Torah, obviously Tanya, Hemsheichim and Maamorim…”
The Rebbe then made himself clear: “I mean this simply. The learning will indeed influence the deed, but that is not what I am getting at. I mean it in my heart: Learn Chassidus diligently!”
Later that year, the Rebbe wrote to someone, that besides learning Chassidus as a preparation for davening, “Obviously you should also designate a separate daily study period to learn Chassidus lishma, for the sake of Chassidus itself!”
(Toras Menachem vol 35 p. 304; Igros vol 22 p. 515)
From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash
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