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א׳ סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 7, 2024

Queens Yeshiva Announces New Staff

The ‘Queens Yeshiva,’ currently located in Crown Heights, announced a new comprehensive team of staff who will lead the yeshiva next year, in Elul 5785.


Here We Polish Our Heads

“You can remove your tie, and you don’t need to look so meticulous…” the Rebbe told someone at the Shavuos 5711 farbrengen, proceeding to relate a story of Reb Michoel der Alter and polishing shoes in Lubavitch.


Open Positions is looking to grow its staff of writers and content managers.

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The Rebbe’s English Letters on ‘Naaseh Venishma’

This week’s issue of Rebbe Responsa contains a collection of letters on Na’aseh V’Nishma, the unwavering acceptance of fulfilling the Torah, why such a commitment is necessary, and how it ultimately brings to the understanding of Mitzvos.


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War Day 244: 30 Terrorists Eliminated in School, Hamas Attempt Gaza Border Breach

The entrance to a Hamas terror tunnel, found in a little girl’s bedroom in Rafah.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Forty Four: Precision airstrike eliminated around 30 terrorists in an UNRWA school, Hamas terrorists attempted to breach the border to Israel, and the Spanish government announced that they will join South Africa’s petition against Israel at the Hague Tribunal, on the charge of “genocide.”


Picture of the Day

The Biala-Pshischa Rebbe of Ashdod, Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Rabinovitz, warmly received the sefer Dvar Malchus on Hilchos Moshiach, presented by Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui, brother of the sefer’s compiler.


Day-To-Day Halacha Guide For Shavuos

Download Here: Day-to-Day Halachic Guide, containing detailed instructions on the laws and customs for the Yom Tov of Shavuos this year, by Rabbi Yosef Braun, member of the Crown Heights Beis Din.


400% ROI on the Rebbe

After the Rebbe announced on Simchas Torah that whoever went out of their limits for tzedaka would earn fivefold, Rabbi Avremel Silver wrote a check for all that he had. The results were astounding.


War Day 243: Tunnels Found Into Egypt, Hezbollah Mass Attack

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Forty Three: Hamas is stalling negotiations, increased operations in Central Gaza, large tunnel found in Rafah, IDF raises max reservist call limit, mass casualty event in the north from Hezbollah fire, Liberman gives dire warning about Iran, and a terror attack prevented in Chevron.


Using Medicated Mouthwash on Shabbos? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including mouthwash and a light-up watch on Shabbos, orla on a blueberry bush, and wearing a talis upside down.


Worldwide Shliach Laid to Rest Next to the Meshaleiach

Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, the Rebbe’s shliach helping shluchim around the world, who passed away yesterday, was laid to rest in a special space in the Lubavitch chelka outside the Rebbe’s Ohel. His son, Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, was appointed his successor.


Continuing the Life and Legacy of Reb Moshe

With the passing of this legendary globetrotting Shliach of the Rebbe, who played a pivotal role in revitalizing Jewish communities and growing Chabad institutions worldwide, a group of shluchim have committed themselves to uphold the projects he started.


Photos: A Life of Shlichus and Shluchim

Throughout the years, and even during his final illness, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky devoted himself to shluchim and shlichus, traveling to far ends of the globe and showing support.

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