Chabad of USC Egregiously Vandalized by Runaway Thugs

Thugs smashed the glass door of Chabad at the University of Southern California while students were sitting inside learning. Thankfully, no one was hurt and it was caught on surveillance video.

By reporter

A group of alumni were learning with Rabbi Dov Wagner of Chabad of USC – the University of Southern California, when they heard a loud crash and saw the glass front door shatter before their eyes. Before they could identify the thugs, the two men sprinted off to where their two cohorts were waiting, and sped off on bike. The assailants are still at large.

“Two thugs just smashed the glass on our front door and ran off,” Chabad of USC wrote in the caption of a video posted. “Hoping @uscedu DPS can track them,” the statement said, referring to the university’s Department of Public Safety. “Our world keeps getting crazier! Thank G-d none of the kids were near the door and we are all safe. Have to figure out something to secure the front door until we can get this fixed.”

The attacks on campus of recent have gotten bolder and more violent, with students gaining confidence in being destructive from all the mass pro-Palestine rallies that reek of not-so-subtle anti-Semitism.

In a talk with ABC News, Rabbi Wagner said, “It’s been the most difficult year for Jewish students on campus that I’ve experienced in our 25 years here. Having this kind of attack really takes away that sense of security. That sense of the safe space it’s supposed to be.”


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  1. If they are allowed to get away with this by the uscedu DPS, G-d forbid, I’m afraid they will only feel emboldened & encouraged to continue.

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