New Torah Dedicated in Memory of Mrs. Rechil Levy

A new Torah was dedicated in Sydney, Australia, with great joy by the family of Mrs. Rechil Levy AH of London, UK. It was first used at the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Michi Abrahams.

Mrs. Rechil Cypra Levy, a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother from London, UK, was dedicated to sharing the beauty of Yiddishkeit with others.
Together with her husband Rabbi Moshe Levy, Rechil raised 12 children and was a devoted member of the London Chabad community. She volunteered for many causes, including running the N’shei Chabad of London for many years. She hosted a weekly radio station called “Spectrum International,” where she shared Divrei Torah, Pasha Quips, recipes, and more. Rechil traveled to Sunday Schools and other programs all over London to teach children and adults how to braid Challah, using the opportunity to share the beauty of Shabbos. She also spent many hours teaching young Ba’alei Teshuva about our rich, beautiful heritage. Truly a regal queen, she inspired many and is sorely missed.
Mrs. Rechil Cypra Levy, a descendent of the Rebbe, Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk and the Noda Beyehuda, Rabbi Yechezkel Landau amongst other great Jewish leaders, passed away on Thursday, 3 Sivan 5782 / 2 June 2022, at the age of 73 after battling with cancer for a number of years.
On the first anniversary of her passing, her children in Sydney, Australia, launched a new Torah in her merit. On Thursday, 15 Iyar 5784 / 23 May 2024, a ceremony was held to complete the Rechil Levy Torah at the Central Synagogue, Sydney, Australia.
Although the Torah was written in Eretz Yisroel by Sofer, Reuven Cohen, it was completed by Rabbi Moshe Levy, the husband of the late Rechil Levy, who is a Sofer in London, UK.
At the completion ceremony, Rabbi Pinchus Feldman OAM, Head Shliach to New South Wales since 1968 and father in law to Rabbi Elimelech Levy, spoke of the great mitzvah of completing a new Sefer Torah, citing many commentaries who discuss the great benefits and rewards of writing a new Torah, including good health, wealth, and children, also bringing blessings to all those involved in the process.
Rabbi Moshe Levy spoke about how important it is to be “Dan Lkaf Zechus” and not be judgmental, taking a lesson from the final lines of the Torah, which are sometimes not as smooth as the rest of the Torah because of the communal writing of the final letters. He told a story from the Chasam Sofer, who used these exact lines to prove a particular Torah was kosher.
Rabbi Elimelech Levy spoke of a weekly  brothers zoom shiur encouraged by his late mother and the Hashgacha Pratis of the Torah joining the Lag Baomer Parade, 61 years after his mother first engaged with Chabad Lubavitch in London at a Lag Baomer Parade, despite her growing up in a Polish Chassidic home.
Rabbi Michoel Chriqui of the Sephardi Synagogue spoke of the great merit one receives when participating in the writing of a new Torah, bringing more light into this world and perpetuating the light of the Torah into the future. Rabbi Chriqui then auctioned the final letters of the Torah to be completed after family members.
As the Siyum (completion) of the Torah took place during the Sefirah, some changes were implemented, and no music was allowed. Between each speech, the guests were enthralled by the singing of Cantor Menachem Feldman and the Great Synagogue Coral Choir (acapela), and the formalities were split into three separate events.
On Thursday night, the Siyum took place together with a Seudas Mitzvah (special meal celebration). On Friday morning, the family escorted the Torah to the Soul Centre – Chabad of Randwick, under the auspices of Rabbi Aycee and Sorella Abrahams (née Levy), followed by Hakafos and dancing. The Torah was first used over Shabbos at the Bar Mitzvah of Michi Abrahams, a grandson of the late Rechil Levy, and then on Sunday morning, the Torah led the Lag Baomer parade under a Chupa Canopy with great fanfare and celebration. It was paraded through the streets of Sydney along with a marching band and many proud children holding banners encouraging acts of goodness and kindness to make the world a better place, preparing for the coming of Moshiach.

The Torah was dedicated by Rabbi Elimelech and Chana Levy, with the participation and contributions of family and friends. It will be housed at the Soul Centre, Chabad of Randwick, Sydney, Australia, under the auspices of Rabbi Aycee and Sorella Abrahams (née Levy).


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