
‘Derher Clubs’ Transforming Girls High Schools

When Mrs. Batsheva Deren of Yeshiva Schools Girls High School in Pittsburgh, PA, heard about the idea of making a Derher Club for her high school students, she was intrigued but didn’t anticipate the remarkable impact it would have.


Guests Pour Into New York for 30th Gimmel Tammuz

Photos: Mordechai Lubecki

Guests from all different countries and backgrounds have arrived in New York to be by the Rebbe for Gimmel Tammuz – Shloshim Shana. Many spent Shabbos at the Ohel where they united in their hiskashrus to the Rebbe.


10,000 Unite for Grand Farbrengen in Tel Aviv Stadium

Over ten thousand chassidim from across Eretz Yisroel gathered at the Yad Eliyahu Stadium in Tel Aviv for an uplifting and inspiring farbrengen featuring heartfelt chassidishe talks, amazing shlichus stories, and inspiration from the generation born after Gimmel Tammuz.


The Rebbe’s Glasses are Now Available

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Give a man an insight and you teach him for a day. Give a man perspective and you teach him for a lifetime. One of the major gifts from the Rebbe to the world is not only his own vision but the ability for us to have Rebbe-vision


‘If So, I Would Rather Stay In Prison!’

After suffering in prison for over a year for not sending his children to secular schools, Reb Yisroel Nevler was released. But when he saw his daughter heading for the door with a knapsack, he threatened to go back there.


Gavra or Cheftza? The Sicha That Remained Obscure for 48 Years

In 5736, the Rebbe delivered a deep sicha on the famous debate of Gavra vs. Cheftza involving Reb Yosef Engel, the Rogatchover Gaon, the Avnei Neizer, Reb Shimon Shkop, and the Alter Rebbe. Many questions were submitted to the Rebbe on that sicha, and after a full night of learning, Rabbis Dovid Feldman and Yisrael Shimon Kalmenson were able to clarify it.


Prominent Rabbonim Rave About New English Likkutei Sichos

In preparation for the 30th anniversary of Gimmel Tammuz, Sichos in English approached prominent Rabbonim from across the spectrum of the English-speaking Torah world to share their perspective on Likkutei Sichos – and were shocked by the response.


Baby Boy
כ״ט סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - July 5, 2024

Picture of the Day

Times of Moshiach: Crown Heights Vaad Hakohol members Berel Hildesheim and Shmuel Rosenstein met with Rabbi David Niederman, Rosh Hakohol of Satmar in Williamsburg, to discuss plans for working together.


“I Credit All My Success to the Rebbe”

Dr. Irving Wolinsky was at a low point when he came into yechidus with the Rebbe before the nesius in 1950. He reluctantly followed the Rebbe’s advice and was amazed at how each of his problems was completely resolved.


Chassidim Celebrate the Rebbe’s Rescue in 770

Chassidim gathered in 770 to celebrate and be inspired on the 83rd anniversary of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s rescue. Guest speakers included Rabbi Yossi Gordon of Melbourne and Rabbi Nochum Schapiro of Sydney.

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