A Call About Cremation with a Domino Effect

When shliach to Chicago’s South Loop, Rabbi Mordechai Gershon, got a call from Dave asking about cremation in Judaism, he took the time to answer – as much as 20 hours – hoping that something good would result. But he could not foresee the far-reaching impact on countless other niftarim.


Learning, Chassidishkeit and Fun at Camp Chayolei

Life at Camp Chayolei is packed full of learning, davening, exciting trips and activities, including a trip to Aquatopia indoor water park where campers had a fun time while wearing their tzitzis with Lubavitch pride.


New Initiative Urges Congress to Adopt School Choice

“Bring education freedom to millions of students across America who desperately need it!” That was the message of a letter signed by more than fifty current and former elected officials including nine sitting governors and three former secretaries of education among many others.


Jewish Design Students Create Unique Exhibition on the Shtetl

Students majoring in design at the Machon Chamesh Institute presented their work at the Hadassah Medical Center in Moscow displaying the Shtetl, Jewish towns throughout Europe that were destroyed during the Holocaust, and Jewish life that continues until today.


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New Shluchim to the Largest University in the US

As more than 75,000 students prepare to begin the fall semester at Texas A&M University—the largest university in the country—Jewish life at the college will get a major boost as Rabbi Menachem and Moussie Lazaroff will join the team at the Rohr Chabad Jewish Center.


War Day 296: Retaliation Planned Against Hezbollah, Beirut Flights Canceled

War Summary, Day 296: Netanyahu toughens stance in negotiations, Telegraph makes horrific claim but IDF denies it, IDF calls for evacuation in Al-Bureij and parts of Nuseirat for the first time, Netanyahu and Gallant received the go-ahead to decide on retaliation against Hezbollah, Beirut flights canceled, and Erdogan threatens to invade Israel.


Baby Girl
כ״ג תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 28, 2024

How Do We Deal with the Situation Today?

From the Anash.org Inbox: In recent months, there has been a move to introduce various religious items and prayer in public schools. Should Jews be getting involved? This question was the subject of a debate between the Rebbe and R’ Moshe Feinstein 60 years ago.


Baby Girl
כ״ב תמוז ה׳תשפ״ד - July 28, 2024

Humorous Memes Are Sefer Hamitzvos Reimagined

Turn Sefer Hamitzvos into the highlight of your day! Miri Majeski has been creating amusing and easy-to-understand Sefer Hamitzvos memes that will guarantee that you won’t forget to learn it daily.


Knesset Speaker Learns the Rebbe’s Path to Peace

Rabbi Gershom Ohana, a Chabad activist in the IDF, and his son R’ Uriya Ohana, visited Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana at the Knesset, where they laid tefillin and gifted him the new book on the Rebbe’s path to peace and security in Eretz Yisroel.


War Day 295: Rocket Kills 12 Children, Israel to Retaliate

ZAKA volunteers work to gather the bodies and remnants of the victims in Majdal Shams, and protect the dignity of the dead.

War Summary, Day 294 & 295: Hezbollah fired extremely heavily on Israel’s far north today with the most devastating hit resulting in the death of 12 children, Israel calculating its response to Hezbollah, whether it’s time to start all-out war, and despite the U.S. and Israel’s outspoken optimism that a deal to release the hostages is coming close, Palestinian sources say that Hamas plans to reject it.


The Chossid Who Was Nicknamed ‘The Cold Firebrand’

Amongst the intellectual giants of Chabad, R. Chaim Ber Vilensky stands out as an independent thinker and a silent leader. Though he rarely shared his thoughts and feelings, his inner world was very much alive, leading Chassidim to nickname him “The Cold Firebrand.”


Wedding: Wolff – Lubin

The wedding of Berke Wolff of Kherson, Ukraine, and Rivka Lubin of Parsippany, New Jersey, took place at the Birchwood Manor in Whippany, New Jersey.


They ‘Got Us’ When We Were Tormented

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Chassidim have always had those who “pursued” us, mocking us for our ways. But “bein hametzarim,” when Yidden in Russia were engulfed in aguish and the Chassidim stood out with pure and relentless mesiras nefesh, that’s when “all our pursuers” began to grasp and understand our ways.

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