Morning After Israeli PM Took the Podium, Shliach Blessed Congress

The morning after Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu delivered his monumental address at the US Congress, Binghamton shliach Rabbi Levi Slonim opened the congressional sessions with a blessing from the Torah and quotes from the Rebbe.

By reporter

On Thursday morning, less than 24 hours after Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu delivered his monumental address at the US Congress, Rabbi Levi Slonim, shliach to Downtown Binghamton, NY, opened the congressional sessions with a blessing from the Torah and quotes from the Rebbe.

Each day, both the United States Senate and House of Representatives begin with a prayer, a custom that originated during the Continental Congress. House and Senate chaplains usually perform this duty, but occasionally, a guest chaplain is invited by a Member of Congress to give the opening prayer.

On Thursday, Rabbi Slonim was invited to deliver the prayer by Rep. Marc Molinaro, congressman for New York’s 19th congressional district, including Binghampton and much of the Catskill mountains.

Rep. Molinaro introduced Rabbi Slonim and said, “Rabbi Slonim’s dedication to faith, education, and community service is an inspiration to us all. I am honored to have him in DC to offer the opening prayer on behalf of Binghamton and all of Upstate New York.”

He then invited Rabbi Slonim up to the podium, who recited his prayer, mentioning the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach, the Rebbe, unity, and peace.

In a conversation with, Rabbi Slonim shared about the experience of being invited to speak in front of Congress, and offer words of supplication.

“It was a true honor and privilege to have been invited to our nation’s capital to offer the opening prayer, as a representative of the 19th District of NY. In these trying times for our nation, it was humbling to have the opportunity to bring the Torah’s message of unity and purpose – illuminated by the Rebbe’s teachings – to the Congress, and by extension to the nation. My sincere appreciation to Congressman Molinaro for this unique invitation.”

The full text of the blessing reads as follows:

“Master of the Universe, in beseeching you for blessings, we act in kindness and charity. Bless these distinguished members of Congress, chosen by so many, who fulfill one of the seven Noahide commandments You gave on to humanity, namely to govern by just laws.

“In these unprecedented and challenging times for our nation, we recall the timeless words of my revered leader, global spiritual leader, and teacher, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson of righteous memory, whose passing thirty years ago we commemorated earlier this month.

“He taught, ‘Difference need not lead to division, on the contrary, true unity comes from a synthesis of different, even opposite, thrusts. Differences between people are overshadowed by what is common to all of us: we are G-d’s creations.’

“Merciful father, today we pray for a swift and safe return of the hostages being held in Gaza and an end to all conflict in Israel and throughout the world. Almighty G-d, please bless the congress so that they foster an environment of love and acceptance; a deeper appreciation, that within each individual lies untapped potential.

“In the word of Maimonides ‘Each person must see themselves as though the entire world were held in balance and with a single deed they can tip the scales ushering in the era of redemption.”

“As proclaimed by Isaiah ‘When nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.’ Amen!”


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