LYO Beis Hamikdash Shiurim in Memory of Longtime Director

In honor of the Three Weeks, Tzach-LYO has launched a series of shiurim on the halachos of the Beis Hamikdash in Crown Heights shuls, in memory of its longtime director Rabbi Shmuel Butman AH.

Daily shiurim on the halachos of the Beis Hamikdash are taking place in many of the Crown Heights shuls. These shiurim are organized by the Lubavitch Youth Organization, in fulfillment of the Rebbe’s directive to increase in the study of Beis Hamikdash-related subjects during the Three Weeks.

An additional initiative is the arranging of daily Siyumim to be held during the Nine Days.

A beautiful sign was prepared by the Lubavitch Youth Organization to be hung in each shul. The sign has a chart for people to sign up and choose which day they will make a Siyum. This initiative is also heeding the Rebbe’s call for Siyumim to be held each day of the Nine Days as customary by chassidim of the Baal Shem Tov. The Siyumim enable us to increase in joy in a manner permitted during the Nine Days, and hasten the Siyum on the golus immediately!

All the activities related to the Three Weeks and Nine Days this year are dedicated l’iluy nishmas the longtime director of Tzach, Rabbi Shmuel Menachem Mendel ben Horav Schneur Zalman Butman a”h.


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