The wedding of Moshe Levin of Brooklyn, and Tanya Tova Reshkovan of Staten Island, took place in the Oholei Torah ballroom in Crown Heights.
Event to Celebrate the Unsung Sholom Bayis Heroes
Initially planned as a closed-door event for Chosson Teachers, organizers have opened up the upcoming event to all those working in the Sholom Bayis field, providing a unique opportunity for collaboration.
Scandal in Tzfas: Missionary “Rabbi” Infiltrated Frum Kindergartens
In a scandalous blunder, a missionary posing as a rabbi was allowed access to frum kindergartens in Tzefas. Yad L’Achim exposed his identity and spared the children from harm.
New Book Outlines the Rebbe’s Roadmap for Real Peace
A forthcoming book by Yonah Press, a new imprint of Sichos In English, titled “Make Peace,” provides a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the Rebbe’s vision for peace in Eretz Yisroel in the context of history and current events.
Our Communities
Terror Attack on Highway Leading to Yerushalayim
1 person was killed and 8 were injured in a shooting attack on Route 1 near Maaleh Adumim. The terrorists were killed by a civilian.
New Programming Created for Children of Hebrew Speakers in the Diaspora
Since Simchas Torah, the particular needs of Israeli families living in the diaspora have become even more apparent. A new initiative provides Hebrew speakers outside of Israel with programs and events created just for them.
Picture of the Day
Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, shliach and Chief Rabbi of Berlin, Germany, welcomes the Nadvorna Rebbe at Berlin’s main Chabad Center.
L’Chaim: Braun – Cohen
The L’Chaim of Yankel Braun of Crown Heights, and Chaya Mushka Cohen of Manchester, England took place Wednesday night at Rubashkin.
The Holy Candies
Rabbi Yosef Gerlitzky has served as a Chabad emissary in Tel Aviv-Yaffo since 1981. He tells the story of a trip to Stony Brook University that felt like a disappointment and the Rebbe’s story that made him feel better.
Seventh Graders Enjoy Hours on the Slopes Snowtubing as Reward
Upon completion of a challenging Yud Shvat hachana mivtza, the seventh graders from YTTL Montreal enjoyed a grand snowtubing trip.
Things to Keep in Mind With the Upcoming CTeen Shabbaton
PSA: Due to the large crowds expected this Shabbos in Crown Heights, the organizers of the Cteen Shabbaton would like to notify the Crown Heights community of a few important things.
L’Chaim: Plotkin – Gopin
The L’Chaim of Sholom Ber Plotkin of Markham, Ontario and Itta Gopin of Baltimore, MD was held at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
European Campus Students Meet, Inspired at Prague Pegisha
Taking inspiration from the annual Pegisha Shabbaton in NYC, 150 Jewish students from seven European countries gathered in Prague for an unforgettable weekend of inspiration, joy, and connection.
New Volume Includes Fascinating Purim Lessons
After the successful release of his first volume on Sefer Bereishis, Reb Simcha Teich is announcing the release of Targum Simcha on Shemos with extensive discussions on Purim.
Online School Girls Enjoy In-Person Graduation Trip
The eighth grade students of the Nigri Shluchim Online School of the Shluchim Office had a blast at their graduation trip, a special experience to spend time with each other, gain inspiration and have lots of fun.
Budapest’s Youth Spearhead Proud Jewish Revival
Whilst many Jews in Hungary are still apprehensive about displaying their Judaism publically, a new generation seeks to change the status quo with proud Jewish leadership.
Shabbaton to Spotlight Teens Who Combat Hate with Positivity
Throughout the year, CTeen members have confronted an onslaught of anti-Semitism. This weekend will feature numerous teens sharing their journeys at the Teen Talks, workshops, award ceremonies, and concerts.
Watch: A Dedicated Sofer and Teacher
Rabbi Saadia Jerufi, who passed away yesterday, was captured minutes before his passing patiently explaining the details of how tefillin are made to a young bar mitzva age boy.
CKids Championship Shabbaton Expecting Highest-Ever Attendance
On April 5-7, over 800 students and their parents are expected to join a weekend at the Armon Hotel in Connecticut filled with games, activities, and inspiration.
Picture of the Day
Harav Avrohom Osdaba, senior member of the Crown Heights Badatz, was seen in a discussion today with Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz ahead of the Machon Taharas Habayis event celebrating the completion of the yearlong training and launch of the team of Machon Taharas Habayis – Chosson Teachers.
Monsey Boys Rewarded for Hard Work with Ski Trip
After half a year of daily duchs, davening, and personal growth, talmidim at the Monsey Cheder were rewarded with exciting rock climbing, ninja course, and ski trips.
L’Chaim: Krinsky – Rothman
The L’Chaim of Levi Krinsky of Needham, MA, and Shaina Rothman of Boynton Beach, FL, took place on Monday night in Crown Heights.
American Rabbis Daven at the Site of Massacre at Zikim Beach
A group of rabbis gathered at the murder site of Daniel Kimenfeld, a young man who was murdered by Hamas terrorists.