A group of 40 members of the Beis Chaya Mushka community in Paris recently undertook an unforgettable trip to the Rebbe, led by shliach Rabbi Moshe Vishetsky.
Lesson Plan to Teach the Eclipse Through Torah Lens
As the eagerly awaited solar eclipse approaches on Monday, Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway is gearing up with a specially crafted Torah-based Solar Eclipse lesson plan. Download it here.
New Shluchim to Bowie, Maryland
Rabbi Eli and Chaya Mushka (nee Gershon) Baron and their 3 children will shortly assume a new Shlichus in Bowie, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC, with over 1,000 Jewish families.
Rabbi Cunin Composes Nigun for Rebbe’s Kapitel
California’s head shliach, Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, composed a nigun on the Rebbe’s new kapitel using a tune that he composed for the Rebbe’s kapitel 42 years ago and was encouraged by the Rebbe.
Between Sirens: Heartfelt Wedding at the Mispacha Orphanage
An extraordinary wedding took place in the Ukrainian city of Odessa when a graduate of the ‘Mishpacha’ orphanage wed a graduate of Chabad’s schools amidst sirens and interceptions.
Our Communities
Live: JewQ Championship for Jewish Education
Today, at 12:00 PM EST, the international JewQ Championship takes the stage, highlighting an unparalleled engagement in Jewish learning among youth from 250 communities across 25 countries.
Chassidishe Chalofim
Ask the Rov: What are the unique chalofim that were adopted by chassidim and how is it relevant today? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.
Lubavitcher Photographer Captures Sights and Scenes of Tverya
Lubavitcher traveling photographer Morde’hai Lubecki presents a photo and video tour of Tverya, including the kever of the Rambam to celebrate the siyum and the shul of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness.
International CKids Shabbaton Kicks Off in Stamford, CT
Stamford, CT, welcomed nearly 1,000 participants from 250 communities worldwide for the opening of the CKids Shabbaton, bringing the hotel to life with the buzz of new friendships and excitement.
Young Shluchim Enjoy Chidon Retreat in New York
With Tzitzis flying in the wind and fists closed tightly on their Mishnayos Baal Peh cards, nearly 100 Yaldei Hashluchim whizzed around the Port Washington Ice Skating Rink, as part of the MyShliach Chidon retreat.
War Day 183: Jordanian Shot at Soldier, Hostage Body Rescued
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eighty Three: In Yerushalayim today, a 17-year-old was caught walking around with a large knife hiding under his clothing and confessed that he was looking for someone to stab, IDF soldiers rescued the body of Elad Katzir, 47, who was taken hostage on Simchas Torah, and IDF troops in an army vehicle came under fire from a gunman in Jordan.
Yeshiva Takes Over the Rebbe’s Hotel in Nice
Tracing the Rebbe’s Travels: In Nice, France, the bochurim visited a shul where the Rebbe had davened, a cable car station the Rebbe used, and the American consulate. They then stayed in the hotel where the Rebbe stayed, debating if they should use the same room.
The Chossid Who Resolved that Tomorrow Would be “Gur Andersh”
Though he suffered many hardships, Reb Gershon Ber Paharer was always thankful for the good things that happened to him. A great chossid, he would resolve every night that the next day be different than the one that passed.
It’s Your Fear That Causes You to Fail
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Maharal shares an interesting experiment: Place a beam of wood over a river and notice that most people won’t succeed in crossing to the end. Place the same beam on the ground and no one will fall off. It’s the thought of falling that causes us to fall.
L’Chaim: Smoller – Sirota
The L’Chaim of Mendy Smoller of S. Diego, CA, and Chaya Sirota of Crown Heights, was celebrated at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.
Erev Shabbos Around Crown Heights
The streets and shops of Crown Heights were full on Friday as residents and guests prepared for Shabbos. Plus Shalom Zachar list.
Families Brought Purim Joy to Sheepshead Bay and Themselves
Thanks to the Anash community of Crown Heights, thousands of Yidden in Sheepshead Bay celebrated Purim like never before. Anash highlighted how it enhanced Purim joy of their own families.
War Day 181: IDF Jams GPS to Block Missiles, Biden Demands Ceasefire
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eighty One: Israel prepares for a possible Iranian attack, IDF jams GPS across the country to block GPS-guided missiles, President Biden demands a ceasefire, and a huge terrorist cell in Israel foiled.
Breaking: Earthquake Hits New York City
An earthquake hit Northern New Jersey, causing tremors throughout New York City. There are no reports of injuries at this time.
The Rebbe’s English Letters About the Benefits of Keeping Kosher
This week’s Rebbe Responsa booklet includes fascinating English letters from the Rebbe on Pashas Hachodesh, the importance and benefits of keeping Kosher, and a newly-released letter.
Preparing for Shabbos in the Holy City
Residents of the holy city of Yerushalayim busied about in shopping and spiritual preparation for the holy day of Shabbos.
Purim Celebration Fills School with Joy
On Purim day, Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch parents and children came together to hear megilla, exchange mishloach manos, and celebrate the joy of Purim.
Feeling Embarrassed is a Good Sign
A famous poet and novelist, Shimon Halkin was considered by many the greatest Jewish poet of his day. When he told the Rebbe why he didn’t visit, the Rebbe told him that it was actually a good sign.
Texan Professionals Enjoy Uplifting Shabbos Encounter
As the sun dipped low last Friday afternoon, the beautifully set Chabad of Uptown Houston main hall buzzed with the sounds of hundreds of young Jews. Attendees of the CYP Encounter Texas Shabbaton were united by a shared heritage.
Chabad Brought Purim Joy to Tzahal Soldiers
Rabbi Menachem Ofen, the Rebbe’s shliach to the IDF, along with a dedicated team of bochurim, brought the joy of Purim to soldiers in the field, reading the Megillah, distributing Mishloach Manos, and arranging festive meals.
Yeshiva’s Trip Traces the Rebbe’s Journey to Vichy
After some time in Paris, the yeshiva group traveled to Vichy where they found the Rebbe’s hotel surrounded by buildings of Nazi character and the police station where the Rebbe went with mesiras nefesh to register as a Yid.