YSP in Morristown Poses for Group Photos

Photos: Shmaya Feiglstock

At the conclusion of an uplifting summer, the Yeshiva Summer Program (YSP) of Morristown posed for a group photo of the entire program, as well as of each individual class.


Chabad of the Front Lines

Rabbi Zev Sirota first encountered Chabad when he was a student at YU and attended a weekly Tanya class. This led to his lifelong connection with the Rebbe through his university years, his move to Israel, and his long military career.


Open Positions

Anash.org is looking to grow its staff of writers and content managers.

Suitable applicants can send a resume to [email protected]

Picture of the Day

Bar Mitzvah bochur Shlomo Zalman Walters of Chicago recites his Bar Mitzvah Maamer on Chof Daled Av, the 45th Yahrtzeit of his namesake, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Hecht a”h, the first Shliach to Chicago. 


Find Your Next Chazan Position with Anash.org

Are you a chazan looking for a great position? Anash.org is here to help! We’re hosting a comprehensive list to connect talented chazanim with Shluchim who want your expertise.
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Coming Back a Grateful Mess

Article by Rabbi Shimon Posner: I spent this past weekend in Kazakhstan: I added nothing to my carry-on, but it’s going to take me months to unpack. If there was one word to describe this trip, it would be vital.


‘Project 100 Shluchim’ Is Creating Fundraising Breakthroughs

It may be supporting a new shliach as he navigates his early stages of fundraising, or assisting a veteran shliach who wants to take his fundraising to the next level. Project 100 Shluchim has been helping shluchim create a breakthrough in their fundraising, with 60-90 minutes of free support.


Help Fulfill a Holocaust Survivor’s Lifelong Wish

Moshe Weissfish, a Holocaust survivor, devoted his life to help establish and support Israel and Jewish communities around the world. His one fervent wish, shared with his wife, rabbi, and close friends, was to be buried in Israel. Help him fulfill his wish.


New Shluchim to San Jose, California

Rabbi Sholom Ber and Brochi Nemanov are moving on shlichus to the Evergreen community in San Jose, California to create a new home for the Jewish community there.


Historic Chof Av Marked in Alma Ata with Largest Crowd Ever

Record numbers of anash, shluchim and mekuravim, gathered this year in Alma Ata for Reb Levik’s 80th yahrtzeit. The annual pilgrimage was initiated by businessman Mr. Avi Shaulzon, who raised awareness and supported the endeavor, leading to the huge turnout for Chof Av. Mega Gallery.


Putting on Tefillin With an Apostate?

Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including mentioning your father or mother by name, putting on tefillin with an apostate, and bracha acharona on wine from France with fruits from Eretz Yisroel.


Parent Thanks Mechanchim for Boy’s Unimaginable Success

From the Anash.org Inbox: There was a time when the words “your son has ADHD” felt like a life sentence. We were told by his first school that their environment wouldn’t be suitable for his needs, and medication was suggested as a way for him to thrive elsewhere. But then, a journey began that restored our hope, all thanks to a remarkable group of educators.


Tannersville Honors Reb Levik with Yarchei Kallah Shabbos

Dozens of Anash and members of other communities gathered in Tannersville to mark the Rebbe’s father 80th yahrtzeit with a Yarchei Kallah program headlined by Rav Hershel Schachter, Rosh Yeshiva of RIETS, and Rav Chaim Meir Stockhammer, son-in-law of the Bostoner Rebbe.


Rare ‘Peter Chamor’ Event Attracts Many

Many visitors gathered to witness the rare redemption of a firstborn donkey near Kiryat Malachi. Shochet Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui helped them put on tefillin, a mitzva closely connected with pidyon peter chamor.


Please Do a Mitzvah for Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald

Lubavitcher activist and philanthropist Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald was on his way to Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, for Chof Av, when he had a sudden complication and was taken into a hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, where he remains in critical condition.

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