Putting on Tefillin With an Apostate?

Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including mentioning your father or mother by name, putting on tefillin with an apostate, and bracha acharona on wine from France with fruits from Eretz Yisroel.

The following issues are discussed by Rabbi Raskin in this week’s episode:

  1. When saying a Brocho Acharona after fruit of the Seven Kinds that are actually produce of Eretz Yisroel, instead of על בארץ ועל הפירות we say: על הארץ ועל פירותיה.[1] If one had also drunk wine – that isn’t from EY, we have a misleading text: על הארץ ועל פרי הגפן ועל פירותיה – implying that these fruit are the produce of the vine!
  2. There is a dispute as to the spelling of word Dakoh in the Torah: דכא or דכה. May one have an Aliya where the Sefer Torah is spelled contrary to one’s mesorah? And what about Parshas Zochor? [2]
  3. What are the guidelines re. mentioning one’s father or mother by name?[3]
  4. May one lay Tefilin with a man who has embraced a different faith?[4]
  5. What is the status of the Yad of the Sefer Torah?[5]
  6. One was eating ‘mezonos’ and then decides to ‘upgrade’ and have as a meal; he now wishes to eat a piece of fish: new brocho or not? [6]
  7. I recently saw a Tefilin-container that appears like a Thermos-flask, in which the Hand-Tefilin is placed above the Head-Tefilin, and I was wondering if that is proper? [7]
  8. Feedback on giving Tzedoko at night: [8]
  9. May one give Tzedoko while being in an impure location?[9]
  10. Feedback on whether an Ovel RL should be Chazan on Tisha b’Av: [10]

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[1] ראה סדר ברכת הנהנין פ”א הי”ב-י”ג.
[2] נידון בנתיבים בשדה השליחות ח”ב פ”ד, על פי קצות השלחן סוף סי’ פז.
[3]  אוצר כבוד אב ואם ע’ 45.
[4] ראה שוע”ר סי’ קפט ס”ד.
[5] ראה ס’ גנזי הקודש פ”ה הע’ כא.
[6] שערי הברכה פט”ז הע’ קכח.
[7] שוע”ר סי’ כח ס”ח.
[8] תורת מנחם תשד”מ ח”א ע’ 266; לקוטי שיחות ח”ט ע’ 321; שיחות קודש תש”מ ח”א ע’ 663.
[9] פסקי תשובות סי’ עו אות א, וש”נ לס’ הליכות שלמה (תפלה) פ”כ הע’ לו.
[10] כי אז הכל אבלים, ולמה יגרע?


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