Dr. Irving (Yehoshua Elchonon) Fishman, a member of the Chabad community in Houston, TX, and a grandfather to a large Lubavitch family, passed away.
Search Results for: fishman
Devorah Leah Fishman, 1, AH
Devorah Leah Fishman, the infant daughter of R’ Menachem Mendel and Chaya Fishman of Bnei Brak, passed away on Monday after she was hospitalized following a tragic accident on Friday.
L’Chaim: Rutman – Fishman
The L’Chaim of Mendel Rutman of Crown Heights and Bayla Fishman of Houston, TX, took place Thursday night at Beis Rivkah Crown St.
Wedding: Fishman – Davydov
The wedding of Velvel Fishman of Vermont and Ruth Davydov of Boston, MA, took place on Gimmel Nissan in Razag Hall.
L’Chaim: Fishman – Davydov
The L’Chaim of Velvel Fishman of Vermont and Ruth Davydov of Boston, MA, took place Monday night at FREE.
L’Chaim: Raskin – Fishman
The L’Chaim of Mendel Raskin of Crown Heights and Laya Fishman of Houston, TX, took place Thursday night at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
Prolific Author Appointed Head of New Kollel ‘Aliba D’hilchasa’
Merkos 302’s Kollel Aliba D’hilchasa, with over 50 Shluchim and Anash joining since its commencement, highlights their new Rosh Kollel, HaRav Yaakov Goldstein, who has authored many English Halacha Seforim and director of halachic mega site ShulchanAruchHarav.com
Second Areivim Registration Drive for Shluchim
Following the success of last year’s membership initiative, Areivim has launched a second registration drive aimed at enrolling Shluchim from across the globe.
YU Shabbaton Wraps Up With Joyous Concert
Following an uplifting Shabbaton in Crown Heights, 100 students from Yeshiva University gathered at Oholei Torah Ballroom for a grand Melaveh Malka Banquet, featuring the Zushe Experience.
YU Students Join Shabbaton in Crown Heights
Over 100 students from Yeshiva University converged on Crown Heights this Friday for the annual ‘Chabad YU Shabbaton’, where they spent Shabbos learning, davening, farbrenging and enjoying an authentic Chassidic experience.
Annual YU Chabad Shabbaton to Be Largest Ever
The annual Chabad YU Shabbaton in Crown Heights will take place this weekend, with 120 students joining, double the average number, in honor of the Rebbe’s 120th birthday.
Toronto Chabad Cheder Parents Unite for Hakhel Melave Malka
The Shmuel Zahavy Cheder Chabad family joined for an elegant Melave Malka to salute its Rebbis, Morahs, school administrators and staff, and to celebrate their children’s chinuch.
Sefer Torah Dedicated in Memory of Young Baby
A new sefer Torah was dedicated Thursday in Crown Heights in memory of Chaim Refoel Fishman, the infant son of Rabbi Michoel and Chanie Fishman, who tragically passed away in Iyar 5781.
250 Celebrate Yud Tes Kislev in Houston, Texas
Yud Tes Kislev, which marked the 250th yahrzeit of the Mezritcher Maggid and the chag hageulah of the Alter Rebbe, was marked with a full program for men, women and children in Houston, with over 250 people of all ages joining.
250 YU Students Join Spirited Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen
Over 250 students joined Chabad Club @ YU’s Grand Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen at Yeshiva University’s men’s campus, featuring live music, a Chassidus Sale, and a dynamic atmosphere brought by 35 Oholei Torah Shiur Daled Bochurim.
Areivim Membership Drive for Shluchim a Huge Success
After a successful membership drive for Crown Heights residents a few months ago, Areivim launched a drive to register Shluchim during the Kinus, and hundreds took the opportunity to join.
Areivim Director: ‘We Consider All Shluchim to be in 770’
When Rabbi Yosef Menachem Fishman, director of Areivim USA, was asked about the Areivim policy toward Shluchim who live outside the USA, this is what he had to answer…
Areivim USA Raises Awareness in Crown Heights
In the wake of the recent tragedies, the Areivim organization which supports widows and orphans, held a presentation at Anshei Lubavich in Crown Heights to raise awareness and register new members.
Beis Din Supports Areivim Membership Drive
In the lead-up to the Areivim USA membership drive in Crown Heights on Sunday night, the Beis Din has released a letter of support for the Areivim program.
Preschool Leadership Masterclass Opens Registration
Chabad Early Childhood of the Shluchim Office has just opened registration for their annual Masterclass featuring three sessions with dynamic and highly-sought speakers.