250 Celebrate Yud Tes Kislev in Houston, Texas

Yud Tes Kislev, which marked the 250th yahrzeit of the Mezritcher Maggid and the chag hageulah of the Alter Rebbe, was marked with a full program for men, women and children in Houston, with over 250 people of all ages joining.

Yud Tes Kislev, which marked the 250th yahrzeit of the Mezritcher Maggid and the chag hageulah of the Alter Rebbe, was marked with a full program for men, women and children in Houston, with over 250 people of all ages joining.

The program began with mincha, followed by a festive Yom Tov seudah. The official farbrengen was opened by Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff starting with a video of the Rebbe. A siyum and haschala on Tanya was made by R’ Nesanel Moshel, and a siyum and haschala on Hayom Yom was made by Rabbi Mendy Feigenson.

The children were then dismissed to their own program, where they joined in the recital of the 12 pesukim before enjoying a magic show.

Downstairs, the farbrengen continued with Texas Head Shliach Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff introducing the guest speaker, Connecticut Head Shliach Rabbi Yisroel Deren.

A chalukas hashas was organized by Rabbi Ben Cotlar, and the official program concluded with dessert and benching.

Following ma’ariv, the men sat down to continue farbrenging until late in the night, with Rabbi Deren and Rabbi Lazaroff inspiring the large crowd.

Thanks were given to the organizers: Rabbis Shmuli Karp, Sholom Tauber, Shlomi Nathenson, Danny Fishman, Shmuly Gniwisch, Shmuly Ceitlin and Chaim Lazaroff, as well as to Mrs. Cotlar and the girls who help set up.

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