YU Students Join Shabbaton in Crown Heights

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/Anash.org

Over 100 students from Yeshiva University converged on Crown Heights this Friday for the annual ‘Chabad YU Shabbaton’, where they spent Shabbos learning, davening, farbrenging and enjoying an authentic Chassidic experience. 

Over 100 students from Yeshiva University converged on Crown Heights this Friday for the annual ‘Chabad YU Shabbaton’, where they spent Shabbos learning, davening, farbrenging and enjoying an authentic Chassidic experience. 

For many students, this was their first time experiencing a Chassidic Shabbos. The Shabbayon began with a visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel on Friday, and continued in Crown Heights, where they were welcomed at Oholei Torah before heading over to 770 for a group photo and mincha.

The program continued with an Erev Shabbos Seder Niggunim, Friday night davening in 770 and inspiring Shabbos farbrengens. It will conclude tonight, Motzei Shabbos, with havdala, and a melava malka concert.

The Shabbaton is the highlight of the Chabad at YU weekly program. Every Thursday evening, a busload of fifty (plus) Oholei Torah students travel from Brooklyn to Manhattan as part of one of the many Chabad Club @ YU programs, for a chance to meet and learn with the students of Yeshiva University.

This Shabbaton is being arranged by a number of Oholei Torah Shiur Daled Bochrim, with the help of Rabbi Levi Sputz, the new Shliach at YU, as well as Chabad Club @ YU’s president Jakey Fishman.


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