250 YU Students Join Spirited Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen

Photos: Photos: Yisroel Bogomilsky/Anash.org

Over 250 students joined Chabad Club @ YU’s Grand Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen at Yeshiva University’s men’s campus, featuring live music, a Chassidus Sale, and a dynamic atmosphere brought by 35 Oholei Torah Shiur Daled Bochurim.

Over 250 students joined Chabad Club @ YU’s Grand Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen at Yeshiva University’s men’s campus in Washington Heights, NY. The historic night included live music, a Chassidus Sale, and a dynamic atmosphere brought by 35 Oholei Torah Shiur Daled Bochurim.

The farbrengen started with opening words from Chabad Club President Jakey Fishman, who spoke about the avodah of Yud Tes Kislev as a YU student. The farbrengen then continued late into the night featuring speakers Rav Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, Mashgiach Ruchani of YU’s Stone Beit Midrash Program, and Rav Efraim Mintz, Executive Director of the JLI.

Rosh Yeshiva of RIETS, (YU) Rav Hershel Reichman made a surprise appearance and shared words with the crowd, and presented Rabbi Mintz with his new Sefer Reshimos Shiurim on Maseches Kesubos.

The event was only made possible due to the hard work of the Chabad club together with Rabbi Herschel Hartz, Program Administrator of Undergraduate Torah Studies at YU, Rabbi Levi Sputz, Shliach at Chabad of Washington Heights East, and all of the Oholei Torah Bochurim that came to farbreng, and bring Chayus.

The farbrengen marked the biggest event by the Chabad Club @ YU to date. This year the club has already been responsible for an Ohel Trip Kickoff Event, a brand new Kollel Boker Seder Chassidus, and the weekly Thursday night Chassidus & Sushi with Oholei Torah bochurim, amongst many other upcoming events.

For anyone with sponsorship interest and/or general questions please feel free to reach out to Jakey Fishman by phone (310-756-4594) or e-mail ([email protected]).


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