Reb Yisroel Gordon Respected His Fatherhood

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Today’s youth have a weakness when it comes to respecting elders and authority, but perhaps the fault is not entirely theirs. It’s not easy to respect an authority that doesn’t respect itself. Reb Yisroel Gordon a”h respected his role.

Put On Your Coat, It’s Cold Outside!

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The climate in today’s world is very challenging to pure, authentic Yiddishkeit. As parents and educators, we must cherish the time we have to dress our children with the warmth of pure, authentic Torah and Yiddishkeit.

My Father’s Secret to Bringing People Close

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: One of the strengths of my father, Rabbi Fitzy Lipskier a”h, was simply his joy. I still hear from his students at Tiferes Bachurim how his joy made Yiddishkeit attractive to those who were close and to those who still needed to come close.

Why We Need Mashpi’im Who Don’t Have Our Struggles

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Whatever our “Mitzrayim” may be, we often reject help because we can’t imagine that our “Moshe Rabbeinu” can be someone who isn’t experiencing what we are. “You don’t know what I’m going through,” we’ll often say, think, or hear others say to us.

The Alter Rebbe Foresaw Our Challenge

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Alter Rebbe offered his Olam Haba for Jewish dress since he saw that the kelipa of dress would attack the Jewish nation before Moshiach comes. That’s why dressing properly is so difficult these days.

Don’t Give Your Kids “Yevani Gelt”

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Is there a reason to give Chanukah gelt over gifts? The Yevanim were happy for Yidden to have lots of money, as long as it translates into more materialism. Chanukah gelt is the antidote to Yevani gelt.

Dress Them Right While You Can

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Young children are extremely impressionable, and the way we dress them is the way they’ll be inclined to behave. As long as we’re choosing their clothing, we’re influencing their path. We should not take this lightly.

“Abi M’lernt Torah Ohr!”

Having heard that the chassidim in Dokshitz gather to learn Torah Ohr while drinking ‘punch liquor,’ the Rebbe Maharash objected. But the next time R. Areh Dokshitzer came for yechidus, the Rebbe told him to resume.

She Unveiled the Torah’s “Disturbing” Stories for Us

Photo: Deena Englard via FrocksinStock
Photo: Deena Englard via FrocksinStock

I remember walking out of my first Chumash class with Morah Yehudis Heller a”h with the sense of a new world opening before me. Coming from Bais Yaakov, I thought I had a good understanding of Chumash Bereishis. What was missing, though, was the point of it all.

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