Ask the Rov: Can I throw chametz in the garbage bin on Erev Pesach and leave it by the street until the pickup, which arrives after the zman of biyur chometz?
Bracha for Trees on Shabbos
Ask the Rov: This year, Rosh Chodesh Nissan is Shabbos. May we recite Birkas Ha’ilanos on Shabbos? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Opening a Bag of Chips
Ask the Rov: What is the best way to open a bag of chips on Shabbos? Do I have to worry about ripping letters? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Untying a Knotted Shoelace
Ask the Rov: I was making a bow on my shoes and it mistakenly turned into a double knot. Is there any way to get my shoes off? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Machine-Made Tzitzis
Ask the Rov: Is it worth it to spend extra money on handmade tzitzis strings? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Is a Silver Menorah More Mehudar?
Ask the Rov: Do I need to have a menorah, or can I just light separate lights on a surface? And is a silver menorah better?
Cereal and Bishul Yisroel
Ask the Rov: Do corn flakes need to be bishul yisroel?
Beis Din or Court?
Ask the Rov: When am I allowed to take a Jewish business associate to civil court? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Buying With Intention of Returning
Ask the Rov: I need an air conditioner for the next few weeks, but won’t need it afterward. May I buy one and plan to return it when I am done with it?
Annulling Pesach Vows
Ask the Rov: I have certain chumros that I adopted which are extremely difficult to keep under the current circumstances. What should I do?
Kashering Braces For Pesach
Ask the Rov: What is the proper method to clean and kasher my mouth for Pesach?
Tachnun When There’s a Chosson in Shul
Ask the Rov: If a chosson left shul in the middle of chazaras hashatz, is tachnun recited?
Planning Celebrations for Friday Morning
Ask the Rov: May I arrange a business brunch on Friday morning?
Sheva Brachos – Drink or Not?
Ask the Rov: May the wine be drunk when our Shabbos afternoon sheva brachos concluded after dark?
Using a Sous Vide for Shabbos
Ask the Rov: May I keep food hot for Shabbos with sous vide?
Playing Dreidel for Money
Ask the Rov: Is playing dreidel for money considered gambling?
Measured Eating
Ask The Rov: What are the guidelines if one must eat on Yom Kippur?
Adjusting the Flame
Ask the Rov: Adjusting the Flame May I lower the burner when cooking on Yom Tov?
Joint Challah Bake
Ask The Rov: Must challah be separated from dough made for a preschool challah baking?
Renovations in the Nine Days
Ask the Rov: What kind of renovations aren’t allowed during the Nine Days?