How to Get Rid of Personal Bacteria

Mr. Yehudah Leib Unger, an entrepreneur from Pittsburgh, PA, invested in a new patent to recycle cloth bags. The Rebbe taught him an important lesson about how to eliminate bacteria and germs.

A Secret From Yourself

A unique fatherly relationship formed between the Rebbe and Reb Berel Yunik. When he didn’t look well and didn’t know why, the Rebbe suggested that perhaps it was a secret – from himself.

Ten Minutes Before Davening!

As a bochur, Bentzion Cohen was guided by his mashpia, Reb Shlomo Chaim Kesselman, to think Chassidus for ten minutes before davening each day. Hearing about this during yechidus, the Rebbe relished in delight and wished for all bochurim to do the same.

“Helping Her Help You”

After giving Rabbi Yisroel Deren, shliach to Stamford, CT, an extra dollar for his “rabbonus,” and an extra dollar to Mrs. Vivi Deren for helping her husband, the Rebbe turned back and gave Rabbi Deren another dollar.

“Yell at Anash of Bnei Brak!”

Ever since the Chabad Cheder al taharas hakodesh was established in Bnei Brak, it received tremendous encouragement from the Rebbe. When support was slow, the Rebbe had strong words to say – and personal assistance.

What Caused the Rebbe to Smile Broadly

After being trapped behind the iron curtain for decades, R’ Dovid Okunov came to the Rebbe and shared how they had learned Likuttei Sichos. When asked if they removed the title page with the Rebbe’s name, Reb Dovid’s answer made the Rebbe smile.

Get Active!

After an Israeli Major-General joined a 19 Kislev farbrengen, he notified the Rebbe of his “special experience and a feeling of elevation.” The Rebbe replied that as a Tzahal commander, he knows that what counts most is: action.

The Eruv Controversy

When the question of building an eruv came up in Detroit, local shliach R. Yankel Krantz a”h consulted with the Rebbe. The Rebbe told him to oppose its construction since it would cause negligence in Shabbos observance and rejected the argument that it would save those who carry.

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