Ever since the Chabad Cheder al taharas hakodesh was established in Bnei Brak, it received tremendous encouragement from the Rebbe. When support was slow, the Rebbe had strong words to say – and personal assistance.
Starting with just three boys, the Chabad Cheder in Bnei Brak, al taharas hakodesh, was established in 5725. Throughout the years, the administration received tremendous encouragement for their chinuch work.
“Every possible avenue, and every strength should be invested to keep the cheder going,” the Rebbe told Kfar Chabad Rosh Yeshiva Reb Yankel Katz, a resident of Bnei Brak.
“Yell (ירעיש) at Anash of Bnei Brak!” the Cheder Hanhala were told when they went through difficult times.
When the director, Reb Mordechai Engelman, came to the Rebbe for Tishrei 5741, the mazkirus gave him a $500 donation from the Rebbe.
During his yechidus, Reb Mordechai thanked the Rebbe for the contribution.
“I shouldn’t be thanked,” the Rebbe responded. “The gratitude should go to you, for the opportunity to partake in an endeavor that you are moser nefesh for – and succeeding!”
(Hiskashrus Issue 477)
From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash
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