“Together We Fulfilled the Shlichus of the Eibershter!”

In the small zal in 770, R’ Meir Harlig was sitting alone, when the Rebbe walked in and gave him matzos to take to the airport. Upon reporting back, the Rebbe shared powerful words on the meaning of shlichus.

It was a few days before Pesach, and Reb Meir Harlig, then a bochur in the 770 yeshiva, was sitting under the large clock in the Zal.

Suddenly the Rebbe walked in, motioned for him to come closer, and handed him a pack of matzos. The Rebbe asked him to go to the airport, head to the desk of a certain airline, locate the Yid there who is flying to the Far East, and give him the package.

“Tell him who it’s from,” said the Rebbe, “and he will know to whom to deliver it.” The man should be told that as compensation for the trouble, he can keep two matzos for himself.

After making sure that Meir had enough money to pay for his taxis, the Rebbe said, “When you return, knock on my door and I will open it.”

When he returned, he noticed that the Mazkirus door was open, and he entered. Rabbi Chadakov was there, and he shared that the Rebbe had come in several times to check if Harlig had returned. “Now go to the Rebbe’s room, knock and enter,” Rabbi Chadakov said.

When he gave his report, the Rebbe responded, “Thank you very much! You did your shlichus, I did my shlichus, and together we fulfilled the shlichus of the Eibershter!”

(Hiskashrus Issue 829)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash


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