“For Which Chabad House is This?”

When R’ Shlomo Cunin brought the Rebbe the key for the first Chabad House in California, the Rebbe asked, “For which Chabad House is this?” and proceeded to explain.

Reb Shlomo Cunin relates:

When I first went out on shlichus to California in 5725 (1965), the Rebbe said to me, “Shlomo, zolst aynnemen gantz California,” you should conquer the entire California.

When we established the first Chabad House on a college campus in Los Angeles, I came to the Rebbe with our legal advisor and backer, Marvin Goldsmith, and we gave the Rebbe a copy of the key. The Rebbe took it and asked, “For which Chabad House is this?”

“There is only one,” Marvin said, somewhat surprised.

“Don’t be so humble,” the Rebbe responded. “It will spread from the west to the north, and from the north to the south. And then to the east where we really need it.”

Indeed, that’s what happened. This is the story of the 220 Chabad Houses currently spread over California.

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash

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