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After an Israeli Major-General joined a 19 Kislev farbrengen, he notified the Rebbe of his “special experience and a feeling of elevation.” The Rebbe replied that as a Tzahal commander, he knows that what counts most is: action.

A regular participant of the Rebbe’s Yud Tes Kislev farbrengens could not attend one year due to his wife’s illness. As a way of calming his distress, he substituted the farbrengen with reading letters of the Baal Shem Tov.

Later, he called the Rebbes secretariat, and asked Reb Leibel Groner to pass this on to the Rebbe.

But the Rebbe did not accept the replacement. “Peulos” was the response.

After participating in the 5733 Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen at Kfar Chabad, Israeli Major-General and author Avraham Adan wrote to the Rebbe his impressions. “I had a special experience and a feeling of elevation,” he wrote.

“As a Tzahal person, and especially as a commander” the Rebbe responded in writing, “it is certainly superfluous to emphasize that what counts in the army is action. To the point that one must put aside intellect, to follow orders…

“Therefore,” concluded the Rebbe, “I hope that the ‘special experience and a feeling of elevation’ will be translated to action.”

(Hiskashrus Issue 245; Igros Kodesh vol. 28 p. 135)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash

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