Picture of the Day

Seen being menachem avel the Skverer Rebbe after the passing of his Rebbetzin were Rabbi Nachman Yosef Twersky of Crown Heights and Rabbi Mendel Feller of Minnesota, who holds a close relationship with the Skverer Rebbe’s children.


War Day 139: Missile Hits Home, Netanyahu Presents Post-War Plan

A missile hit a home in Kfar Yuval and caused a large fire.

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Thirty-Nine: Heavy pressure from the American administration, missile hit a home in Kfar Yuval, Iron Dome interception over Tzfas, Netanyahu presented first draft of post-war plan including Israel’s control of the Gaza-Egypt border and the removal of UNRWA.


L’Chaim: Schapiro – Green

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Dovid Schapiro of Hollywood, Florida, and Dina Green of Coral Springs, Florida, took place at the FREE Hall in Crown Heights.


Shluchim Hold Memorial at Site of Massacre

Shluchim on mission in Eretz Yisroel visited the Nachal Oz Army Base where many soldiers were killed and taken hostage. They said Tehillim in the shul and lit candles in their memory.


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A Secret From Yourself

A unique fatherly relationship formed between the Rebbe and Reb Berel Yunik. When he didn’t look well and didn’t know why, the Rebbe suggested that perhaps it was a secret – from himself.


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Wedding: Shuchat – Shifman

Photos: Avreimke Eisenshtein

The wedding of Chaim Eliyahu Shuchat of Crown Heights, and Menucha Rochel Shifman of Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel, took place at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall in Crown Heights.


Wedding: Levin – Reshkovan

Photos: Nehorai Edri/Anash.org

The wedding of Moshe Levin of Brooklyn, and Tanya Tova Reshkovan of Staten Island, took place in the Oholei Torah ballroom in Crown Heights.


Baby Girl
י״ג אדר א׳ ה׳תשפ״ד - February 22, 2024

Event to Celebrate the Unsung Sholom Bayis Heroes

Initially planned as a closed-door event for Chosson Teachers, organizers have opened up the upcoming event to all those working in the Sholom Bayis field, providing a unique opportunity for collaboration.


New Book Outlines the Rebbe’s Roadmap for Real Peace

A forthcoming book by Yonah Press, a new imprint of Sichos In English, titled “Make Peace,” provides a comprehensive, systematic presentation of the Rebbe’s vision for peace in Eretz Yisroel in the context of history and current events.


Baby Girl
י״ג אדר א׳ ה׳תשפ״ד - February 22, 2024

Picture of the Day

Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, shliach and Chief Rabbi of Berlin, Germany, welcomes the Nadvorna Rebbe at Berlin’s main Chabad Center.


L’Chaim: Braun – Cohen

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yankel Braun of Crown Heights, and Chaya Mushka Cohen of Manchester, England took place Wednesday night at Rubashkin.


The Holy Candies

Rabbi Yosef Gerlitzky has served as a Chabad emissary in Tel Aviv-Yaffo since 1981. He tells the story of a trip to Stony Brook University that felt like a disappointment and the Rebbe’s story that made him feel better.

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