
Young Champions Transform Sydney Opera House

At the close of an unforgettable weekend, JewQ Australia competition finalists gathered for a Jewish pride rally in front of the iconic Sydney Opera House. Following the blast of a shofar, the children broke into spontaneous dancing and singing of “Am Yisroel Chai” and “I’m a Jew and I’m Proud.”


Baby Boy
ו׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 8, 2024

War Day 338: IDF Strikes Iranian Site in Syria, Three Israelis Killed

War Summary, Day 338: New details of conditions of the 6 hostages, Biden administration stumped on hostage deal as Hamas increases demands, sirens in Ashkelon, senior Hamas rocket commander eliminated, Hezbollah continues to escalate fire, IDF heavily attacks Iranian site in Syria, and three Israelis killed in terror attack at Allenby Bridge crossing.


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How Crown Heights Came to Have Its Own Safety Office

Every Jewish community has a safety office for Jewish souls; a tech office that fits filters to phones and computers. For years, Crown Heights had been relying on a mobile truck from Williamsburg TAG that came once a week, until one dedicated group of people decided that Crown Heights deserved to have an office of their own.


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Crown Heights Bookmobile Adds Two New Stops in East Flatbush

All My Children’s Jewish Library on Wheels serves Crown Heights and East Flatbush, offering books in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish for children and adults of all ages. Their new schedule for this coming year includes two new stops for residents of East Flatbush.


Warm ‘Welcome Home’ at Cheder Ohr Menachem

Gallery 1: After a short summer break, talmidim of Cheder Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights were delighted to come back to meet their rebbis and reminisce with chaveirim on their summer experiences.


Back to School: Education Tips From the Rebbe

As children head back into the classroom for the new school year, the vital topic of education is on everyone’s mind. The Rebbe’s guidance on this topic is refreshingly clarifying, offering valuable insights and tips for anyone involved in shaping young minds.


Cheder Chabad Monsey is Off to a Great Start

On Wednesday morning, the familiar halls of Cheder Chabad Monsey once again echoed with the joyous sounds of Torah learning and heartfelt davening, as eager faces, both young and old, poured in. The air was filled with the unmistakable scents of crisp school supplies, new shoes, and freshly polished floors.


War Day 337: PIJ Commanders Eliminated, New Propaganada Leaked

War Summary, Day 336-337: U.S. proposal delayed due to new demands from Hamas, Sinwar’s tactics leaked in another document, PIJ battalion commanders eliminated in Gaza, Researcher finds BBC to breach it’s own rules in bias against Israel over 1,500 times.


He Mixed Something Good Into His Ink

A misnagdishe communal leader in Vilna, Reb Meir Refoel’s became an ardent chossid after witnessing two incredible mofsim by the Alter Rebbe. Despite the attacks the Vilna chassidim faced, he insisted on keeping the peace.


How a Stolen Sukkah Can Be Kosher

In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko discusses ta’us akum as it applies to skip lagging and taking advantage of a glitch in an airline’s website. Listen here.


A Jewish Burial in Rural Saskatchewan

When a man’s final request was to be buried in a simple pine box in Rural Saskatchewan, his non-Jewish sister-in-law happened to call a rabbi. After much effort, he was laid to rest in a Jewish cemetery that matched that description, the first person to be buried there in more than 70 years.


When a Normal Person Finishes His Day

As a bochur, Reb Shlomo Zarchi asked the Rebbe for guidance in cheshbon hanefesh. The Rebbe drew a distinction between avoda at Krias Shema She’al Hamita, which is done at specific times, and a basic calculation at the end of a day.

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