Hostage Bodies Discovered Were Recently Murdered

Hours after the IDF said it had located the bodies of six hostages in Gaza, the families confirmed that their loved ones were murdered in captivity, possibly even just a day or two before they were found in a tunnel beneath Rafah.


Baby Girl
כ״ח אב ה׳תשפ״ד - September 1, 2024

War Day 330: Major Car Bombings Averted, Hostage Bodies Retrieved

The aftermath of a car bombing at a Gush Etzion gas station.

War Summary, Day 330: Two cars laded with explosives were stopped before being able to bomb civilian areas in the Shomron, the IDF confirmed that bodies were retrieved from Gaza but not yet identified and asked for the public to refrain from spreading rumors, and a top Hamas commander operating in Jenin was found and eliminated.


He Waited Hours and Gave Away Everything for Strings

A misnagdishe communal leader in Vilna, Reb Meir Refoel’s became an ardent chossid after witnessing two incredible mofsim by the Alter Rebbe. Despite the attacks the Vilna chassidim faced, he insisted on keeping the peace.


Camp Yeka 2024: A Summer of Joy, Hope, and Jewish Pride

This summer, Camp Yeka, nestled in the beautiful Carpathian Mountains, provided a life-changing Jewish camp experience for over 90 disadvantaged Jewish boys from Ukraine, offering them a much-needed break from the harsh realities of war.


Baby Boy
כ״ו אב ה׳תשפ״ד - August 30, 2024

War Day 328: Cemetery Hit by Rocket, Tulkarem Planned Attack Thwarted

War Summary, Day 328: Negotiations ongoing with Philadelphi still main point of contention, 70% of Hamas smuggling tunnels dismantled, Hamas has been falsifying data showing support amongst Gazans, Hezbollah appears deterred from expanding the conflict, Gallant begins move to focus on the north, Tulkarem terrorists had been planning large attack on nearby Jewish town, Houthis burn oil ship, and IDF reservists lose confidence in Chief-of-Staff.


The Social Media Effect: Halachos of Lo Sachmod

In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko delves into the nuances of lo sachmod – envy, explaining what is permitted and what is not with practical examples. Listen Here.


The Rebbe’s English Letters on How to Get Rich

In this collection of the Rebbe’s letters in English, the Rebbe guides aspiring and struggling businessmen to take Hashem up on a challenge: when you increase in tzedakah, Hashem will reciprocate manyfold.


Better Than Not Thinking At All!

When a bochur complained to the Rebbe that his contemplation of Chassidus was crude, the Rebbe reassured him that with time it would become refined. But then the Rebbe told him something even more relevant.


R’ Berel Baumgarten’s Nusach Recording for JTS Students

Today, the 25th of Av, marks the 102nd birthday of R’ Berel Baumgarten, a special chossid and devoted shliach of the Rebbe to Argentina. A recording of Rosh Hashana nusach, made for JTS students with whom he held a kesher, was restored and released.


What Keeps our Soldiers Motivated?

Popular lecturer and author Doron Kornbluth shares his impression of Lubavitch visitors who came to lift the spirits of IDF soldiers up and down Eretz Yisroel and the direct impact it had on their morale.


YSP in Morristown Poses for Group Photos

Photos: Shmaya Feiglstock

At the conclusion of an uplifting summer, the Yeshiva Summer Program (YSP) of Morristown posed for a group photo of the entire program, as well as of each individual class.


Chabad of the Front Lines

Rabbi Zev Sirota first encountered Chabad when he was a student at YU and attended a weekly Tanya class. This led to his lifelong connection with the Rebbe through his university years, his move to Israel, and his long military career.


Picture of the Day

Bar Mitzvah bochur Shlomo Zalman Walters of Chicago recites his Bar Mitzvah Maamer on Chof Daled Av, the 45th Yahrtzeit of his namesake, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Hecht a”h, the first Shliach to Chicago. 


Coming Back a Grateful Mess

Article by Rabbi Shimon Posner: I spent this past weekend in Kazakhstan: I added nothing to my carry-on, but it’s going to take me months to unpack. If there was one word to describe this trip, it would be vital.


‘Project 100 Shluchim’ Is Creating Fundraising Breakthroughs

It may be supporting a new shliach as he navigates his early stages of fundraising, or assisting a veteran shliach who wants to take his fundraising to the next level. Project 100 Shluchim has been helping shluchim create a breakthrough in their fundraising, with 60-90 minutes of free support.

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