‘Me’chayil El Choyil’: Mayonai Directors Strengthened at Kinus

Leaders of the twelve branches of Mayonei Yisroel spread across the Holy Land, gathered at a kinus held over Shabbos Chof Av in Almaty to farbreng and gain strength for their continued shlichus of hafotzas hamayonos in frum circles.

Dozens of rabbanim, mashpiim, and organizers from the ‘Mayonei Yisrael’ community joined the many chassidim who traveled to Reb Levik for Chof Av, led by Reb Zalman Gopin and Reb Yekusiel Farkash.

The group had a separate kinus at the event, titled “Me’chayil El Chayil,” set to strengthen the leaders of the Mayonei Yisroel who operate in 12 different branches across Eretz Yisroel. Following the central farbrengen hosted at the Chabad House of Almaty on Thursday night, the Mayonei group convened at their hotel for a special farbrengen that extended into the early hours of the morning.

The program continued on Friday morning with a shiur on tefilla delivered by Reb Zalman Gopin. Businessman R’ Avi Shaulzon expressed his excitement about the program’s unique Chassidishe atmosphere, and chinuch expert Rabbi Zalman Leib Markowitz shared chinuch insights.

Throughout Shabbos, participants were deeply engaged in learning and davening. The seudos were accompanied by farbrengens with notable figures such as Russia’s Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Berel Lazar, and Miami Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Leibel Shapiro. On Shabbos afternoon, the farbrengen was led by Reb Zalman Gopin and joined by Rabbi Tzvi Grunblatt, head shliach of Argentina.

The main event of the kinus concluded on Motzei Shabbos with a special melaveh malka. Mayonei Yisroel directors Rabbi Aharon Cohen Gross and Rabbi Mordechai Yoel Schwartz presented a certificate of appreciation to the conference sponsor, R’ Avi Shaulzon, along with a unique gift: a silk gartel woven with strands from the Rebbe’s holy garments.

On Sunday, the kinus resumed with a panel showcasing successful Chassidic outreach projects. The participants were particularly inspired by the success of the soon-to-open ‘Hamaor ShebaTorah’ yeshiva, which will host top students from across Eretz Yisroel.

On their way back to Eretz Yisroel, the participants stopped in Tashkent, where they continued their farbrengen, reflecting on the transformative days in Almaty. They each shared their personal hachlatos, inspired by the mission of spreading Chassidus through Mayonei Yisroel.

Photos by Akiva Sheinberger


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