
War Day 332: Hamas’s Warfare Strategy Leaked, Netanyahu Maintains Firm Stance

War Summary, Day 332: Leaked document outlines Hamas’s psychological warfare strategy, Hamas releases horrific videos of hostages, Netanyahu maintains firm stance on Philadelphi Corridor, most Jewish Israelis agree with decision, Operation “Summer Camps” largest in 20 years, and Houthis bomb more ships – including a Saudi oil tanker.


Rabbi Lazar Honored by Litvish, Chassidish Gedolim

Rabbi Berel Lazar, Russia’s Head Shliach and Chief Rabbi, visited Eretz Yisroel this week where he was honored by prominent rabbonim, roshei yeshiva, and dignitaries from both the chassidishe and livtishe communities.


YK Yerushalayim Concludes Another Incredible Summer

This summer, 40 Bochurim experienced an unforgettable summer at Yeshivas Kayitz Yerushalayim, temporarily relocated to Cozumel, Mexico. The program was filled with incredible trips, engaging learning, and a vibrant Chassidishe atmosphere, with most participants completing an entire Masechta.


Dayanus Learners Master Test with Belzer Dayan

A group of 15 Talmidim of the Dayanus program by Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha, led by Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, got tested today by Belzer Dayan Rav Meilach Mentzer and showed great knowledge and understanding.


Car Bomb Explosion Highlights a Huge Miracle

On Monday morning, security forces discovered and safely detonated a car bomb placed at the entrance to the settlement of Ateret, where more than three buses full of children passed by the rigged car on the way to school.


New Shluchim To Amelia Island, Florida

Rabbi Levi and Mindy Katz (née Zucker), along with their son Sholom, are establishing the first Chabad House on Amelia Island, a barrier island in northeastern Florida on the border of Georgia, voted “Best Island in the U.S.”


Adopted Son of Rabbi Moshe Asman Killed in Combat

Matisyahu Samborsky, the adopted son of Rabbi Moshe Asman of Kyiv, Ukraine, was killed in the ongoing conflict with Russia. He was drafted into the army just one week after the birth of his daughter, and now leaves behind a wife and one year old daughter.


Shluchim Office Recognizes Teachers for Their Special Role

With the new school year approaching, the Hebrew division of the Shluchim Online School held in-person events for staff on the theme of “Uplifting Us,” focusing on how the Rebbe gives Chayus to those involved in this special mission of chinuch.


War Day 331: Massive Protests in Tel Aviv, Three Police Murdered

War Summary, Day 331: An estimated 300,000 Israelis gathered for a protest in Tel Aviv, and other areas around Israel, calling for a hostage trade deal to be made, three police officers were killed in a shooting attack this morning near Tarqumiyah, and the bomb-making lab which was used to produce the bombs in the two car-bombing attacks on Shabbos was found and demolished.


‘Healing’ Is Not Our Guide to Life

“I’m not intimating that ‘healing’ in itself is idolatry, there is, however, a sentiment that people openly vocalize that ‘healing’ is paramount. Concerns and questions about particular methodologies, even questions like ‘Is it Avodah Zara?’ are scoffed and dismissed as out of touch.”


Northern Michigan Community United to Build New Center

Not long after Rabbi Leibel and Chaya Shemtov moved to Traverse City, they embarked on an ambitious campaign to purchase a Chabad House to serve North Michigan’s Jewish residents. Last Sunday, community members gathered for the grand opening of the new center.


Learning Halachos of Kiddushin is a Must for Every Shliach


One of a shliach’s greatest joys is officiating at the wedding of a young couple about to embark on establishing their own Jewish home. This holy task is not undertaken lightly; it takes knowledge and training to be qualified to perform a marriage.

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