Chabad Family Uplifts Soldiers with Mitzvos, Food, and Joy

Members of the Minkowizt family, Rabbi Yitzchok and Meir Simcha Minkowicz of Southwest Florida and Rabbi Sholom Minkowicz and family, visited the soldiers, strengthening them with mitzvos and mezonos.

This summer, Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz and his son Rabbi Meir Simcha Minkowicz of Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida, together with his brother Rabbi Sholom Minkowicz, traveled to Eretz Yisroel to be mechazek the soldiers with mivtza tefillin, hot meals, and joyful dancing.

At one of the barbecues, they celebrated Rabbi Sholom’s Birthday where the soldiers elevated him on a chair and danced with him. In honor of the special day, his wife Mrs. Chana Zelda Minkowicz, donated many new helmets to the soldiers.

The group visited the Kerem Shalom Border where soldiers enter Gaza. There, they provided them with hot lunches, refreshing drinks, and much-needed spiritual Chizuk. They next visited the Israeli Navy and hosted a barbecue with live music to support the soldiers fighting from the waters. Many soldiers put on tefillin as well.

They then traveled to the Kibutzim and cities that were attacked on Simchas Torah to meet the survivors and strengthen them. The last event they carried out was at the police headquarters in Yerushalayim on top of the Kosel to lend support and sponsor projects to uplift the morale of the police. 

Wherever they went, they felt a deep appreciation of the people they visited and left a warm impression in the hearts of the Yidden there.


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